Important Notices

First Working Bee of the Year – Thursday, 6th March | 3:45pm – 5:30pm

A reminder that we are asking as many parents and carers as possible to spend some time straight after school tomorrow (Thursday 6th March) helping us at our working bee.


We have a long list of tasks to complete to tidy up our school grounds and most are really straightforward. Children are also welcome to join us (or they can play whilst the adults do the hard work!).


To see the list of jobs that we are aiming to complete (and so that we know how many parents are attending), please click on, and sign up for, the link below;


Pull out the popcorn for COTA 2024!

I'm sure for most 2024 seems like an eternity ago, however it was only 5 months ago that Celebration of the Arts, SKiPPS: An Odyssey, was viewed by our school community. 

The students excelled in both Performance and Visual Art displays. 


We are pleased to offer to our SKiPPS parents and friends the link to watch the recording of the 2024 performance. It is with great thanks to Mat Gdanitz for the filming and editing services that he provides for our school, that this is made possible. Gather the family and friends, some snacks and nibbles and enjoy reliving SKiPPS: An Odyssey! 

Secondary school tour dates 

For our year 6 parents and students, please be advised that local secondary schools have begun announcing tour dates for those ready to join Year 7 in 2026. Details of the process for applying for secondary school places for 2026 are still being finalised and we will send further details out to parents once we receive them.



Please see links below for further information and contact the school directly to sign up for tours. 


School Assemblies

This year our weekly school assemblies have moved from the start of the day to now take place at 3pm.


This decision was made to allow classes to begin learning at 9am every day of the week and to maximise on the time of day when students are freshest and most ready to learn.


We understand this change of routine will take a little getting used to and we encourage those parents and carers who can to arrive at school a little early on a Friday to enjoy this weekly celebration and sharing of the great things that we do.


We know that parents may wish to make a particular effort to attend if their child is leading assembly or involved in sharing their classroom learning on the stage.


To support with your forward planning, the assembly details for the rest of term can be found below.


Year 6 Assembly Leaders

Year levels presenting their learning

Week 6 (Friday 7th March)

Rosa, Jake & Sorcha

Year 2

Week 7 (Friday 14th March)

No school - Curriculum Day

Week 8 (Friday 21st March)

Chloe, Aurelia & Jay

(Harmony Day)

Year 1

Week 9 (Friday 28th March)

Year 6 Camp

Year 4

Week 10 (Friday 7th April) Assembly at 2pm 

Olivia, Gioia & Cooper Coatsworth


Smile Squad is coming to this school


The Smile Squad team from Better Health Network (formerly known as Star Health Group) are coming to our school soon.

Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program.

This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment at school.


How to access free dental care

We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at: 


OR use the below QR code:



Please complete and submit the consent form by Monday 10th March,2025


Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one.

The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is available in 13 languages.


Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?

No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.


The Smile Squad team is looking forward to seeing you soon.


For more information, or if you need help filling in the form:


Phone: 1300 503 977
