A message from the Principal
School Photos
A message from the Principal
School Photos
This week, something special arrived in the mail—a letter from a gentleman called Don McKinnon, written in the most beautiful copperplate handwriting. Inside were two incredible class photos from the 1920s, offering us a glimpse into the past and reminding us of the long and fascinating history of our school.
It was a wonderful and unexpected gift, a real connection to the many generations of students who have learned and played at SKiPPS before us and are now long gone. I will be reaching out to Don to thank him for sharing these photos and to try and learn more about the story behind them.
Receiving these photos was a great reminder of the importance of school photos. They become treasured records that families hold onto for generations—and who knows, perhaps in another hundred years, someone will look back on the images we capture today with the same sense of awe and curiosity. It was also incredibly timed, coming the week before our 2025 students will be doing the same thing!
Tuesday, 11th March (straight after the public holiday) is our 2025 School Photo Day!
To ensure the best possible photos, we ask families to make sure students arrive on time and looking their best. These class photos will be a wonderful way to celebrate our school community and create lasting memories for the years ahead.
For those families wishing to order individual student or class photos, this is all managed online via Compass. From the Compass homepage, you will see the below link - clicking on it allows you to easily place an online order and also select any sibling photos you may wish to organise.
Any orders placed one week after the 17th March will attract additional fees.
Sibling photos must be ordered in advance as MSP will only take group sibling photos for those families who have placed an order.
Thank you for your support in making this day run smoothly. Let’s create some class groups and moments that future generations will one day look back on with wonder.
Warm regards,
Neil Scott