Denise's Message

Dear Families,


There will be a school closure day on TUESDAY 11TH MARCH. On this day, all St. Michael's Staff will attend a Professional Learning Day focusing on Faith Formation. There will be NO school for children, and our office will be closed. Our Parish Priest will lead part of the day focusing on learning about The Year of Jubilee as well as preparing us for our Lenten time and the Easter Holy Week. During the day, staff will also engage in deepening their understanding and knowledge of the charism of our Mercy Sisters. I look forward to sharing what we have learned.


If you require care for your child on this day please contact THEIRCARE to make a booking with their all day program



Year of Jubilee

Pope Francis has designated the 2025 Holy Year as a time to renew ourselves as "Pilgrims of Hope."

The concept of "Jubilee" has its origins in the Book of Leviticus (chapter 25) as a special year of reconciliation, pilgrimage, and coming home. Throughout this year our school community will learn more about the significance of this year of Jubilee. We have chosen 'Pilgrims of Hope' as our theme for 2025.



Family Get Together

Our beginning of year family get together will be held on Thursday 20th February. We invite you all to join us as an opportunity to gather together, have a chat, a bite to eat, and a bit of fun. Please look out for the flyer on ClassDojo with more more detailed information.



School Arrival

Thank you to all families who are ensuring their children arrive at school by 8.45am. We understand that on odd occasions, traffic, public transport, etc., may interrupt your normal morning routine and cause you to be a little late, but ongoing lateness to school is unacceptable. Families who are consistently late for school will be asked to attend a meeting with School leadership to discuss reasons for lateness and strategies for ensuring children arrive on time. When children arrive late, they miss the very important morning program, where the schedule for the day is set out for each child. Missing this can cause unnecessary anxiety and a decrease in engagement in learning. Help set your child up for success by ensuring they arrive on time for school.


Early Departure 

We ask that all out-of-school appointments be made after school hours, but we do understand that, at times, making such appointments can be challenging for families. If you need to collect your child from school before the end of the day, please note that this needs to be done before 3.00pm. Children will not be dismissed from class between 3.00pm and 3.25pm. I ask you to respect this request and refrain from putting Samantha and Michelle in our office in the difficult position of saying no to your requests.


Beginning of School Year Liturgy and Opening of Vertical Building

On Wednesday, we celebrated the beginning of the school year and the completion of our Vertical School building. It was a beautiful celebration attended by special guests, including representatives from our government who provided the funding, MACS staff who supported our school throughout the process, our architect who designed the building, members of our School Advisory Council, and most importantly, our staff and students. 

Stage 2 Building Program

We are now preparing for the next building program, which we hope will begin in term 2. This program will include the renovation of our library space into two new classrooms, meeting rooms, and new library space, the conversion of our current music room into a new staff lounge, and the conversion of a current classroom into a purpose-built art room.

It will also include the construction of new corridors that will connect all parts of our school, ensuring we have lift access to all areas. Some indicative drawings of the works that will be done will be placed on the school noticeboard in area one shortly. 


This will also include the reconstruction of our Area 3 playground space. This work has had to be delayed as that area will b used as the access point for the builders and other contractors. The Victorian government has largely funded these works, with some contributions being made by our school.


Road Safety

I thank the majority of our families who make the right and safe choice to park legally or walk or ride when picking up or dropping off their children. It is disappointing that I still have to play the role of a traffic police officer and speak directly to drivers who not only do the wrong thing but put the lives of our children in danger. If this behaviour continues I will be calling the council traffic officers and the police and requesting that they patrol our school area at drop off and pick up times.

Walking or riding to school is always a good option, as is parking a little away from the school.



Denise Hussey



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.