Responsible, Resilient, Respectful
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep B | Zoe | Responsible | You have settled into Prep amazingly! You are very responsible in the classroom and are a great help to your classmates. Keep up the awesome work Zoe! |
Prep V | Claudia | Resilient | For your amazing start to your schooling journey! You have settled into Prep with ease and have shown resilience when getting used to new school routines. Well done Claudia! |
Junior A | Eli | Responsible | Your wonderful start to Year 1! Eli, you have settled in well to the Juniors community and have been a fantastic helper for your classmates and teachers. Well done, Eli! |
Junior G | Ella | Resilient | You have settled into St Joseph’s amazingly! You have embraced every opportunity and you are constantly using the learning pit to help you navigate new learning experiences. We are so lucky to have you in Junior G, Ella! |
Junior B | Cassidy | Resilient | For your fantastic start to Juniors! You have shown great resilience in trying new things and transitioning to different rooms for Literacy and Maths. Well done Cassidy, keep up the hard work! |
Middle R | Akiva | Responsible | You have shown you are responsible in class and are always willing to give things a go. I look forward to a big year in 2025! |
Middle T | Lola B | Resilient | What a great start to the year! It has been a delight to see you putting 100% into every activity and boosting our class spirit by helping to make some really beautiful additions to our displays. Keep it up Lola! |
Middle J | Billie C | Resilient | You have had such a positive start to Year 3 because of your amazingly resilient attitude. You have tackled everything with a can-do spirit and it has been wonderful to see you so excited to learn more each day. Well don Billie and keep it up! |
Senior J | Aidan S | Responsible | For really stepping up and being an integral part of the senior community. You have taken on jobs and responsibilities and performed them with diligence. Superb start Aidan! |
Senior O | James H | Resilient | Returning to school with a positive and determined attitude. You have settled very well into the Senior Learning community, asking for feedback and taking on challenges with a growth mindset. Well done James!
Visual Arts | Grace P | Responsible | Grace was a responsible learner when she was asked to share her time and weaving skills in our Dale Chihuly inspired Suncatcher activity. She helped her peers patiently and willingly. Well done Grace! |
Visual Arts | Chloe R | Responsible | Chloe was a responsible learner when she was asked to share her time and weaving skills in our Dale Chihuly inspired Suncatcher activity. She helped her peers patiently and willingly. Well done Chloe! |
Performing Arts | Bodhi | Responsible | For starting the new school year with incredible confidence and enthusiasm. Your positive attitude and willingness to help others has set a wonderful example for your classmates. Keep up the great work, Bodhi! |