Year 1 Update

1A-Mrs Beamish
1B-Ms Middlebrook
1C-Mr Wright
1D-Ms Christofis
1A-Mrs Beamish
1B-Ms Middlebrook
1C-Mr Wright
1D-Ms Christofis

Our Learning Weeks 6 & 7


To revise the digraphs in Stage 6 of the LLLL sequence.  

To investigate fairytales and identify the key elements such as the characters, setting, problem and solution.  

To write simple sentences using correct punctuation and adjectives. 


To subitise and count irregular formats. 

To partition (break apart) numbers to 10.

InquiryTo understand the importance of Dreaming Stories in Aboriginal culture.

To name some of the skills needed to work and play in a friendly way with a partner.

To discuss the emotions, you can feel when you lose or are excluded from a game. 

News and Reminders:

  • Me Bag- Please help your child select 2-3 items to place in the 'Me Bag' when they bring home the bag. The purpose of this activity is to help us get to know your child better and develop their speaking and communication skills. Refer to the information sheet inside the bag for more details.   Please ensure the 'Me Bag' is returned to school the following day. 
  • Labor Day public holiday- 10th March. No students at school.
  • Family Fun Night- 25th March 3:30-5:15pm. Games and activities on the synthetic oval. All students must be supervised by an adult. 

Celebration of Learning:

