Prep Update

Our Preps have been busy with their learning over the past few weeks, and they have been doing a fabulous job!
Our Preps have now experienced their first full week at school and we are very proud with the resilience they demonstrated.
Our learning-Weeks 6 & 7
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL):
-Discuss experiences and what emotions are associated with them.
-Todd and Rana from our Wellbeing Team will be visiting Prep A and Prep B to run some learning and activities around SEL. The following week they will be visiting prep C and D.
-Our phonics lessons will be focusing on the sounds the letters ‘p’ and 't' make and discover words and objects that begin with those sounds.
-Discuss attributes that a 'good reader' develops and demonstrates, as well as identify and practise sounding out syllables in words. In Prep classes, students have begun to engage in independent reading practise for several minutes at the beginning of Reading sessions. This entails students sitting quietly at their tables with their book boxes and independently looking at a book. We will be using a Reading Stamina Chart and work on building our time on independent reading.
-Continue to practise writing their names, take part in fine-motor activities to strengthen fine-motor skills, practise forming the letters ‘p’ and 't' as well as building their drawing skills. Last week, we introduced the 'Hartley Knows' writing program to students, which reduces the cognitive load of writing, due to teaching automaticity of letter and numeral formation.
-Continue to build our knowledge of concepts such as subitising, counting, forming digits and pattern.
-Playing mathematical games such as 'Tenzi' using dice, 'Bingo number' and 'Race to 5'.
-Take part in our maths ‘daily review’, focusing on counting, time, shape and position.
-Identify different parts of our bodies and how we can keep our bodies healthy.
Friendly Reminders:
-Please remember to continue sending your child's hat to school with them every day.
-Students are required to bring their blue Reader bag to school daily to enable teachers to place new sounds being learnt in their phonics books, as well as checking in on students' knowledge of letter sounds.
-Labour Day Public Holiday Monday 10th March: students are not required to attend school.
Celebration of Learning: