Monday 10th March - Labour Day public holiday
Family Fun Night
ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT as school staff supervision finishes at 3.30pm.
Next Assembly
Our next assembly for our community to attend will be -Friday 14th March.
Assemblies commence at 2.30pm, so please arrive around 2.15pm
Volunteers needed please
If you can spare some time to cover our library books please
come and collect a bag of books & roll of contact from the office.
School tours
Ordering School photos
Orders are placed online at
Please contact SchoolPix on 1300 766 055
Orders placed AFTER Feb 26 will incur an $8.95 postage fee and will be delivered TO YOUR HOME.
There are two codes you will need:
(1) is the school code 25806
(2) is your child's unique code - one per child. Which your children should have brought home on a piece of paper.
*You can order without your personalised code after photo day by using the Student Search function on the website.
All students who were present on Thursday 20th Feb were photographed on the day, and all class groups were photographed, even if there were no photos ordered for that student.
(Sibling photos were only taken if they were ordered before 8am on Feb 20)
- Free delivery TO SCHOOL applies to ordersplaced online BEFORE & INCLUDING Wednesday Feb 26.
Curriculum and Other Contributions
You can see payment options available in your compass app/website.
The Curriculum Contributions total is $127 for all classroom resources for 2025.
We are also requesting voluntary contributions for other areas (Buildings & Grounds, Library, School Sports, & First Aid) totalling $98.
The total request for parents for each student is $225.
2025 Parent Payment Arrangements
All book pack items will be labelled in class and will remain at school.
We are requesting a voluntary contribution of $50 per student to cover the cost of supplying these book packs to students. The $50 contribution is part of the $127 Curriculum Contributions listed above - you will see it listed as Stationery Book Pack in your Compass payment options.
The School Savings Bonus cannot be used to cover the cost of book packs and also cannot be used for the voluntary payments.
Breakfast Club has started back and is open from 8:00am to 8:45am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Lots of free tasty options! See you next to the Canteen.
Parent/Carer supervision is required prior to 8.35am, as teachers are on duty from 8.35am only.
CSEF-Applications closes at the end of Term 2
Dogs on school grounds - an adult must have full control on a leash
This is a friendly reminder that all dogs on school grounds must be on a leash and effectively controlled by an adult at all times. We have had many reports of dogs not being appropriately held and supervised, resulting in children feeling unsafe.
Please ensure you cooperate with us, enabling all members of the community to feel comfortable and safe in and around the school. Thank you for your understanding.
Hats! Hats! Hats!
Hillsmeade school hats (with logo) are now available in the office.
They come in two sizes S/M and L/XL for $19.95
You can also purchase them from PSW in Officer or online
You can use your School Savings Bonus to buy uniform from PSW but NOT FROM THE OFFICE.
It is also recommended that students put on sunscreen every morning before school and bring a drink bottle to school.
Please ensure all hats and drink bottles are named.
Food Bank Boxes
Food Bank Victoria provide food for our Breakfast club. In addition to this, they also donate boxes of non perishable food items for families to take home. They are available in the foyer area of the front office for all Hillsmeade families. Please feel free to come and help yourself.
Hillsmeade Facebook page!
Have you seen our Facebook page? It’s getting regular updates!
Check it out, give the page a follow and keep an eye out for your children.
The canteen operates each school day. Canteen orders must be submitted by 9am online using QuickCliq. Please note that this is a website only (there is no QuickCliq app) but the website works on mobiles, iPads, and desktop/laptops.
You will need to register an account to get started, and then enter your child’s details. Please note when entering your child’s profile, use their class (eg: Prep C, 1/D, 4/D, etc) in the Room field.
Counter sales are available at recess and lunch for snack items (not lunch) – cash only.
Canteen orders are online only and close at 9am.
If you are unable to submit your canteen order online by 9am, then you will need to bring lunch for your child to school.
A reminder that the canteen doors close when the music plays before school, at recess and at lunch.
Please ensure your child is well prepared prior to the music playing and not late to class due to purchasing items.
ACE Foundation Free Glasses Program
The ACE Foundation is proud and delighted to inform you that if your child requires glasses, they can receive ONE pair for FREE.
Please see the Hillsmeade Office Staff for forms and more information.
How Hillsmeade will communicate with you in an emergency.
In the event of a whole school emergency at Hillsmeade Primary School, we will contact our school community via Compass.
We encourage all of our families to ensure they are checking Compass regularly, and preferably have downloaded and installed the app (click here for iOS, click here Android).
If you do not have your login details, please contact the office ASAP for your username and password. The Admin team are happy to help you get started using the app. Compass also have extensive guides for parents on how to use the Compass app.
Please ensure you have notification settings switched to ON in order to keep up to date with information regarding your child and the school.