Principal's Message

Linda Buckeridge: Principal 


Prep Enrolments for 2026

Prep enrolments commence from the 22nd April by completing an online application form.

Please don't hesitate to join a school tour, to find out more about Hillsmeade PS.


CLICK HERE to book a school tour! 


Prep 2026 enrolment applications are due online by Friday 25th July 2025.

Presentation Assembly

Last Friday we held a special assembly to recognise all of our Student Leaders and Student Representative Council (SRC) members for 2025.

The Student Leaders read out their leadership pledge and were presented with their official badges.

All SRC members were recognised and also presented with their badges.

Each student presented with a badge upholds the school values of Respect, Resilience and Kindness, and have been chosen by both peers and staff due to their leadership skills and being responsible members of the Hillsmeade community. A big congratulations to all of the our 2025 SRC and leaders!!

Student Leaders
Student Leaders


Family Fun Night

A friendly reminder that we have our annual Family Fun Night on Tuesday 25th March 3.30 - 5.15pm.

There will be a range of activities on offer that will be held across the synthetic oval, basketball courts and gym.

ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT  as school staff supervision finishes at 3.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Please complete the Hillsmeade Families survey

As you may be aware, this year is Hillsmeade Primary School's year of review. We would really appreciate your feedback to assist us in analysing our progress over the last 3-4 years and how we might be able to improve moving forward. This survey should not take too long to complete and will be open for the month of March.  

Please click the link below or scan the QR code to be involved.

 We thank you in advance for your time. Your feedback will be incredibly informative as we always strive to do better and challenge ourselves in providing what you and your child/children need.


Hillsmeade Families Survey



Since the start of term, Mr Cole has been busy organising our Hillsmeade swimmers for the school's in-house event and for those that have made it to the next level, where our students compete against other schools. I would like to congratulate all of our students that have participated, especially those that went to the District competition and represented the school with such respect, resilience and kindness. We wish those that have made it through to the next round the very best of luck in their events.

Well done to everyone!

Family-Teacher Conversations

As per my last newsletter item, we have changed the name of Parent-Teacher Interviews to Family-Teacher Conversations.

We encourage students to attend with their families to have a conversation about learning and wellbeing progress at school, since the start of 2025.

These Conversations will be held in Week 2 of Term 2 - Monday 28th April and Tuesday 29th April. 

Bookings will open towards the end of this term, due to the first week back being a short week.

Please keep an eye out on Compass for the opening of booking sessions online.


NAPLAN is once again occurring across all of Australia for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.


At Hillsmeade PS the dates that NAPLAN sessions will run are as follows, with Year 3 before recess and Year 5 after recess:


Wednesday 12th March - WRITING

Thursday 13th March - READING

Friday 14th March - LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS (e.g. spelling, grammar)

Monday 17th March - MATHEMATICS


Please ensure your child has a tummy full of breakfast and a good sleep the night before, to enable them to have sustained concentration during the NAPLAN sessions. Breakfast Club and breakfast packs will be available as per usual during NAPLAN weeks.

Catch up sessions will be run by Mr Harrison at various points throughout the NAPLAN two week window.


Thank you for your support!

Prep Teddy Bear's Picnic

This week we welcomed our Prep families into the school for our annual Teddy Bear's Picnic! What a beautiful, sunny morning we had to prepare teddy bear biscuits, watch the students perform their teddy bear song and enjoy picnics full of delicious treats.

A big thank you to the Prep team and Mr Mark Cooper for all their preparations, and a special thank you to the families that were able to come along and enjoy this special morning.

Save The Date - Term 1

  • Monday 10th March - Labour Day public holiday
  • Wednesday 12th March - Monday 24th March: NAPLAN
  • Tuesday 25th March - Family Fun Night 3.30 - 5.15pm
  • Friday 4th April - Easter Parade & Last Day Term 1 - 2.30pm finish

Save the Dates - Term 2

  • Monday 21st April - Easter Monday public holiday
  • Tuesday 22nd April - Term 2 begins
  • Tuesday 22nd April - Prep 2026 enrolments open
  • Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day
  • Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th April -   Family-Teacher Conversations
  • Tuesday 20th May - Curriculum Day
  • Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th May - Mothers and Special Others Stall
  • Friday 9th May - Mothers and Special Others Breakfast
  • Monday 9th June - King's Bday public holiday
  • Friday 4th July - Term 3 ends 2.30pm