A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
Welcome back to 2025, a special welcome to the new families who have joined our school. I wish them a rewarding and fulfilling experience at St. Martha’s.
Supervision begins at 8:15 am. All students must be at school by 8:45 am. We understand that on occasion the morning routine may not run as smoothly as you would like. If you arrive after 8:45am when the gates are closed, please bring your child to the office and sign them in.
To ensure student safety, the Homebush Road gate will not be open in the mornings. All students will need to enter the school via Churchill Ave.
As part of our school expectations, students are to remain seated until the second teacher is on duty from 8:30am. After this time, students are to walk and talk with their friends and are reminded that the morning is not the time for running. Once the music plays, students walk safely to their class assembly line and should be standing quietly when the bell goes ready for assembly to start. Parents are encouraged to remain at the top of the playground in front of the old church building throughout our assembly. We thank you for your continued support and cooperation in ensuring the safety of our community.
Please ensure that you continue to check the Parent Calendar on COMPASS for important information and dates as well as our school newsletters. If you do not have COMPASS access, please download the app or visit www.stmstrathfield.catholic.edu.au/compass for further instructions. If you are new to the school and have not received your username and password, please contact the school office. We will be holding Parent Information Sessions on our Compass Portal in the coming weeks for families new to the school or any parent who would like a ‘refresher’ course.
Thank you to those parents who have indicated that they will be attending a volunteer induction. A reminder that if you wish to be considered as a volunteer on an excursion or to assist at our carnivals, stalls or special event days, you must attend one of these inductions. If you are yet to indicate your attendance for the remaining inductions, please do so via the link below.
Each term, the teachers prepare a Curriculum Overview which outlines the topics and areas of the syllabus that will be covered in each Key Learning Area for that term. The Term 1 overview will be shared at the Meet the Teacher afternoon. Term 2 - 4 overviews will be shared in the newsletter.
It is important that parents and teachers have good communication opportunities. Good communication means speaking and listening actively and respectfully and not making assumptions. When problems arise they do not have to be stumbling blocks, instead they could be opportunities to work together to find positive and creative solutions. Solutions that will benefit our children. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, your child's teacher should always be the first point of contact. The best way to make contact is via an email to the office.
‘GotGame’ will continue to provide our sport lessons. We welcome back Mr. Bart and Coach Christian. Students will also have fitness lessons in terms 1-3 and swimming lessons in term 4.
Students are required to wear their sports uniform on the following days
Kindergarten: Tuesday & Thursday
Year 1: Tuesday & Thursday
Year 2: Tuesday & Thursday
Year 3: Tuesday & Thursday
Year 4: Tuesday & Wednesday
Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6): Wednesday & Thursday
In order to ensure the good health of children who have a severe allergic and potentially fatal reaction to nuts, St Martha’s is an Allergy Aware school. Please do not send PEANUT BUTTER, NUTELLA, OR ANY NUT PRODUCT in your child’s lunch box.
Several students have a severe allergy to these products. This allergy is known as Anaphylaxis.
The school-wide expectations at St. Martha’s are:
As part of these expectations, we use a matrix, with a clearly defined set of expected behaviours
Throughout the term, students are actively engaged in lessons and activities that define our school expectations and encourage expected behaviours. Teachers will offer tokens when they see expected behaviours on the playground. Tokens are then added to the token containers, leading toward a whole school reward.
We encourage you to ask your children, “Did you receive a token today?” and find out what it was for. This dialogue will help reinforce the expected behaviours and develop the intrinsic motivation for your children to continue showing these behaviours.
A reminder that in this warm weather, children should have a labeled school hat and a drink bottle filled with water every day at school. St. Martha's has a 'no hat no play' policy. New hats can be purchased at the school office.
Steven Belcastro
Assistant Principal