Parish News

Jubileum 2025

Resources and copies of the Decree on the Proclamation of Places of Pilgrimage in the Archdiocese of Sydney on the occasion of the Jubilee Year of Our Lord 2025 are available to take home in Church Foyer.

Lent 2025

 The season of Lent commences on Wednesday 5th March. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence. 

Mass times and the distribution of ashes: 7:00am, 9:10am, 11:40am (School Mass) and 6:30pm. 


Readers, special Ministers, Acolytes and altar servers are needed for each Mass. The sign-up sheet is in the church foyer. 

2025 Lenten Program (Wollongong Diocese Resource)

The program will commence on Monday 3rd March in the Church from 10.30am to 11.30am. Everyone is warmly welcome to attend (booklets are $10).

A Call for Catechists 

We are in need of additional Catechists to teach scripture at Homebush Public School. Classes are on Wednesday from 11:15 to 12pm. All training will be provided. Please contact Lorraine Kazzi if you are interested on 0400 505 205.

 Mass Intentions

Remembering someone with a Mass Intention honours them in a unique way – surrounding them with the warmth of God’s love. A Mass may be offered for the living or deceased, for a Birthday, Anniversary, for somebody who is ill, or for a special intention. Mass Intention envelopes are available at the Church Entrance. If you would like a Mass offered on a particular date, please contact the parish office to arrange this.

February - August Roster

This is now available from the side entrance of the church and on the parish website.