A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our new students and their families and welcome back to returning students and their families. It has been a wonderful start to the year and we have welcomed several new families across the school as well as many new families of Kindergarten students. Huge thanks to all the staff for their work in preparing for the start of the year and making the beginning of the year so smooth. I hope that everyone continues to build a thriving Catholic community as we celebrate 100 years of education at St Martha's.
On Friday 21st February we will have an opportunity for you to meet the teachers and enjoy a sausage sizzle on the playground to celebrate the start of the school year. Parents are invited to attend with their children to visit the classroom and share in activities and the sausage sizzle on the playground. We will need some helpers to cook the sausages and serve the food and drinks. Please use the form sent via Compass to indicate if you are able to attend and your availability to help with cooking or serving.
Meet the teacher in classrooms from 4:30 and BBQ from 5pm. Kindergarten will have two information sessions starting at 4:30 and 4:50. Year 1 Blue will have a special Meet the Teacher time at 4:30 on Tuesday 18th February, as Miss Touma will not be available on 21st.
Please spread the word that St Martha's is holding our Open Day for prospective enrolments on Thursday 6th March from 9 to 11. We will have school tours, a Kindy Farm, coffee van and the whole school will receive a special treat to celebrate our 100 years of education at St Martha's. If you know anyone who is thinking of enrolling for 2026, please encourage them to join us for Open Day.
This year we welcome Ms Katie Farrell who is teaching Music and Drama while Mrs Catherine Wood is on leave. Ms Farrell is well known to the students and has worked at St Martha's in a variety of capacities over recent years. We are grateful to have her talents in our school. Please see below the list of staff for 2025.
Over the last four years our students have been learning Mandarin at St Martha's. The children have enjoyed building their knowledge of Chinese language and culture. Sydney Catholic Schools have been supplying the lessons and we have been very appreciative of this funding. From 2025 this funding is no longer available and after considering the cost and our current budget, we have decided not to continue our MEG lessons for 2025. If you would like your child to continue learning Mandarin in their own time through MEG, you can purchase lessons through the MEG website.
For parents who want their children to continue with Chinese, MEG has prepared this webpage to support parents who would like to self-fund that option. It would be using the Journeys self-paced platform, so it is something students can do from their own devices at any stage of the day, including from home. Spanish language lessons are also available.
Expression of Interest webpage: https://au.meglanguages.com/language-learning-beyond-the-classroom/
90 second Journeys explainer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1vTzFPq2uU
Wishing you all the happiest of years as we celebrate 100 years of education at St Martha's School.
Peace and best wishes,
Carolyn Parsell