Uralla Central School P & C

Current P & C Committee
President - Lucy Byrnes
Deputy President - Nikki Farthing
Deputy (2nd) President - Leah Miller
Secretary - Molly Borg
Treasurer - Andrew Toomey
From Term 2, meetings will be held in Weeks 4 and 8 of each term at 6pm in the school library. New members are always welcome and please drop in and see what the P&C is up to.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) - 24 March 6pm
Your P&C warmly invites you to the AGM and also future P&C meetings held on the 4th and 8th Mondays of each term. Committee positions will be available and as usual, many hands make light work so please come along if you can.
The P&C is committed to providing a voice to parents and citizens and supporting our students and teachers at Uralla Central to enhance the school experience for all. To do that effectively and to represent the views of the school community, we need to hear from you.
At the AGM, we will vote on changing the financial year-end from 30 June to 31 December, so that it aligns with the school year-end. This will avoid holding the AGM during the busy end of school year.
Following a trial of holding meetings at 3:30pm, we have resolved to return to meeting times of 6pm as the earlier time was not well-attended.
At the AGM, the following positions will be elected:
Vice President
School Community BBQ
Following the parent teacher interviews on 31 March, we will be holding a school community BBQ from 5:30pm.
Term 2 2025 Meeting Dates:
Monday 19 May
Monday 16 June
Term 3 Meeting Dates:
Monday 4 August
Monday 8 September
Term 4 Meeting Dates:
Monday 3 November
Monday 1 December