Secondary Department

King Tut Roadshow
Students last week were able to dive into the mysteries of the ancient past with a visit from the King Tutankhamun Roadshow Museum. Students were able to look at artefacts from the ancient past and recreations of items from King Tut’s tomb. The Pharaoh’s headpiece and chair were a highlight.
Year 7 English
Year 7 are working extremely well in class and are diving deep into Katherine Patterson’s created world of Terabithia. Students are looking at how themes of friendship, imagination, family and loss are represented in texts. Year 7 have created some beautiful title pages, completed chapter comprehension activities and reports on their favourite hobby.
Year 8 English
Year 8 are currently undertaking a study of a wide range of poetry and developing their understanding of the various forms that poems can be in, and how techniques allow authors to convey thoughts, ideas and meanings through word choice. Year 8 have written some excellent poems in free verse and are developing their use of rhyme and rhythm within their own compositions.
Year 9 English
Year 9 are working hard on their novel study, reading Divergent. Year 9 are further consolidating their understanding of how authors can position audiences to feel a certain way, connect with a text through imagery and characterisation.
Year 10 English
Year 10 are working consistently in English as they study poetry that is influenced by war and conflict. They are consolidating their knowledge of poetic techniques and further developing the ability to identify how the structure, imagery and techniques in a poem all work together to create meaning, reflecting a poet’s moods, experiences and emotions concerning their topic.
Stage 6 English
Both Advance and Standard are starting new topics as they near the completion of the preliminary course. Standard are undertaking a close study of a text, Wilfred Owen poems and are developing their knowledge of textual integrity, value of a text and authorial intent. Advanced English are studying Othello, and are undertaking a critical study, developing their understanding of the continuing value of a text, the critical reception of the text, in both today’s context and the author’s context and why Shakespeare is still relevant today.
All students are reminded to continue coming to English classes ready to learn, bringing their equipment for each lesson.
Composition Workshop
Academy Music students recently attended an inspiring HSC Composition Workshop at the New England Conservatorium of Music with leading composer Luke Byrne. The day was both challenging and rewarding, as students collaborated with peers from other schools, explored composition techniques, and even created their own musical phrase. A fantastic experience for all involved!
Food Tech
Stage 4
This term Years 7 and 8 Food Elective are making a traditional recipe one week then adapting the recipe the following week.
Our first theme was gingerbread. Some groups took inspiration from the swimming carnival.
Our second gingerbread challenge was to build a house.
Stage 5
This term Food Technology students will be eating their way around the world. We will be looking at how culture food is influenced by food availability, technology and social factors including street food.
For Australia, we made the traditional Monte Carlo biscuits then used lemon myrtle leaves to give a biscuit recipe a modern twist by incorporating a First Nation ingredient.
Stage 6
This term we have been looking at the needs of customers and colleagues to create a positive dining experience and working environment while completing our sandwich and beverage practical units.
Stage 4 Technology Mandatory
This term we have been learning about the problem-solving process. The first problem they were given was to cook an egg.
The class came up with all sorts of creative solutions ranging from cooking the egg on a hot muffler, cement, shovel in a fire through to more hygienic solutions utilising our school kitchen.
We then evaluated the methods and chose the microwave and stove.
Our next project is to create a menu for food to be made for the Parent and Teacher meetings that will be held Monday, March 31.
Academy Visual Art
The Visual Design class has been finalising their projects for the Wearable Design: Jewellery and Accessories unit. Students have learned and refined ceramic, resin and polymer clay techniques to create unique pieces.
Career's EPP
UCS students who are 15 years or older will have the opportunity to attend Start Your Future lessons in Automotive or Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at Armidale TAFE one day a week for 8 weeks during Term 2. ECEC will be on Thursdays and Automotive on Fridays. These taster lessons are an ideal way to learn about an industry and pick up experience and skills. On completion students will also receive a certificate which can be added to their resume and portfolio. Interested students should talk to Mr Wood to pick up the Expression of Interest (EOI) form to complete. EOI's open on March 10 and close on March 27.