Primary Department

Stage 1
Emeralds have begun creating their own personal Reading River as part of our classroom Reading for Pleasure culture. Last week we went on a walk around school to see what type of signs we could find to read and add to our river. On the weekend students were asked to see what type of reading they do at home. This included cereal packets, game instructions, personal library collections, Minecraft Cubeez from Woollies and brand names on motorbikes and scooters. This week we will take our reading blankets outside and enjoy a buddy reading time in nature.
Year 1 Sapphires have been very busy learners! The setting up of our Reading for Pleasure area is almost complete. The students are developing an appreciation of books and a love of reading. They are learning how to review books and use language to explain why they did or didn’t like the book. In writing, students have been looking at character and setting descriptions and we are working towards writing complete narratives. Students have enjoyed reading and responding to the text, Where the Wild Things Are. They have been making connections between the text and their own lives. In mathematics, students have been looking at numbers and their place value, as well as measuring and recording their height over the term. Music with Miss K is always fun, and Year 2 have been joining with us to practice our song, I Can Sing a Rainbow using Key Signs. Please come and watch our performance during the Week 9 assembly.