School News

Dear Families,


As we approach the midpoint of term one it is a wonderful opportunity to stop and reflect on what’s happened so far this term and look ahead to some exciting events and activities that we have planned. 


Creating memories at school camp

Camp is a wonderful way for students to learn new skills, try new things, challenge themselves in a safe environment, develop better connections with their classmates and their teachers. 


Last week our Year 4 students attended Angahook Camp in Aireys Inlet. It was a three day, two night camp. It was an absolute pleasure to take our Year 4 students away, their behaviour was exceptional, their can-do attitude was outstanding and the way they worked as a team and included each other was lovely to witness. Seeing the students canoe down the river, bike ride around Torquay and bravely attempt the giant swing were highlights. 



Next week our Year 5 students are heading off on a four day three night camp to Merricks on the Mornington Peninsula. Students will be spending lots of time in the water, learning how to snorkel and surf. We look forward to hearing about their experiences when they return.


These camping opportunities would not happen without our incredible staff who take time away from their family and friends to look after our students. We would like to thank Rachel Leahy, Caleb Knappett, Seb Green, Shane Gethings, Holly Burke and Amy Burns for attending the Year 4 Camp. We would also like to thank Mikalia Greenan, Harvey Bidmade, Dan Booth, Helen Borger and Adrian Webster for going to the Year 5 camp next week. 


Nurturing Wellbeing

At Galilee we pride ourselves on nurturing the wellbeing of our students. In the first two weeks of school we focused on ensuring that students are familiar with expectations and procedures around the school. This has meant that our classrooms and corridors have a wonderfully calm feel and students are in an environment where they can learn. 


We would like to thank families for ensuring that students arrive at school on time so that they have an opportunity to calmly settle into the day and are ready to start learning with their peers at 8.50am. 


As you would be aware, The Hub is once again up and running at Galilee. The Hub is a space where students can go if they need to reset or regulate their emotions. Students who attend The Hub sign in, are greeted by a staff member, collect a 10 minute timer and engage in individual tasks to help them to reset and regulate. When the 10 minute timer goes off students return to class ready to learn. Julie and Paddy, our Wellbeing Leaders have been running sessions with each class to introduce them to The Hub and explain how it works. More information on The Hub can be found on the Wellbeing page of this Newsletter.

Focus on STEM

Staff have been busy this term engaging lots of learning about STEM. They have worked with Adam from Akorn Education to help build their understanding and knowledge in engineering with a focus on enhancing what they can do with the students in STEM lessons. A number of our Year 4-6 teachers have also engaged in a STEM aerospace and flight professional development. As you will be aware, Galilee has a strong focus on STEM with every student engaging in a number of STEM based projects throughout the year. Over the past four years a number of students from Galilee have been selected to showcase their STEM designs at a Victorian STEM MAD competition. Last year a team of Year 5 students progressed through to the National STEM MAD competition where they showcased their design in Brisbane. We look forward to seeing the exciting STEM based learning students engage in this year. 


Open Morning at Galilee

On Friday 28th February at 9.15am we are inviting prospective families to join us for our Open Morning where they will expereince an morning assembly and school tour. Our Open Morning is a wonderful opportunity to see us in action, talk to students and staff and get a feel for our incredible school. If you are interested in attending Galilee’s Open Morning we encourage you to sign up on our school website. If you know someone who might be interested in sending their children to Galilee, please encourage them to sign up to attend our Open Morning. 



2026 Prep Enrollments

Our 2026 Prep enrollments are open and filling fast. If you have a child who is due to start school in 2026 we encourage you to complete an enrolment form on our website as soon as possible. We have limited spaces available in Prep 2026 and we already have over 60 applications. We will be starting to meet with families who have completed an enrollment form in March.


Thank you to our parent volunteers

Our first event for the 2025 school year, our Welcome BBQ,  was a huge success because of the amount of parents, students, past students and staff who stepped in to help. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped cook the BBQ, sell items, supervise the jumping castle, set-up and clean-up. Without your help we would not have been able to put on such a wonderful event. 


We would also like to formally thank the parents who have volunteered to organise and run some of the upcoming activities and events we have planned this year.


We would like to thank Priska, Seol and Kibok for volunteering to run the Easter Raffle. Please look out for information about the Easter Raffle on Dojo as we will soon be colleting chocolate eggs, easter gifts and getting ready to sell raffle tickets.


We like to thank Angela for volunteering to organise and run the Colour Run at the end of Term 1. In a few weeks time you can expect to receive information about signing your children up to participate in the Colour Run.


We would like to thank Jodie, Nat and Rachel who will be organising and running our Mother’s Day Luncheon. This is a very special event on our calendar where mothers from our community have the opportunity to come together and celebrate. More information about this event and how you can purchase tickets will go on Dojo soon.


We would like to thank Kara and Jennifer for putting their hand up to organise and run the Parent Gala Evening later this year. This is the biggest event on our calendar and we are grateful that Kara and Jennifer have volunteered to run this event. 


We can’t thank these incredible parent volunteers enough. These events bring us together as a community and help us to make lasting memories of our experience at Galilee. 


If you would like to volunteer to help with any of these events or other events (Disco, Christmas Evening etc.) please contact Seb Greene No experience is necessary and we are keen to hear about different ideas and ways of running these events. Many hands make light work so if you would like to get involved, please contact Seb. 


2025 Information Booklets 

At our Welcome BBQ we handed out Information Booklets for each year level. These booklets contained vital information for families. Many parents have asked for an extra copy so we thought we would include the booklets here so you have the information at your fingertips. 


The Season of Lent

As we approach the season of Lent it gives us a wonderful opportunity to stop and reflect on ways we can become closer to God. 


On Wednesday 5th March we will celebrate Ash Wednesday at Galilee.Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, which is a time of preparation for Easter.


Lent is a time to reflect on our lives and behaviour with a view to making small positive changes that make a difference to ourselves and to the lives of others. It is a time to give more of ourselves to our family and friends; to give more of our time to reflect and pray; and to give more of our resources to those who find themselves struggling.


Students will attend an Ash Wednesday Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul at 12 noon on Wednesday 5th March. Families are invited to join us at Ss. Peter and Pauls. 



Looking Ahead

In the next two weeks we have a number of activities and events planned. To keep up to date with everything that is happening at Galilee we encourage you to use the Galilee Google Calendar and keep your eye on Dojo. 


Term 1, Week 5

Monday 24th February

- Running Club at 8am (All Welcome)


Tuesday 25th February

- Year 5 Camp


Wednesday 26th February

- Year 5 Camp

- Year 3 Reconciliation Reflection Day 

- Preps not at school today


Thursday 27th February

- Year 5 Camp


Friday 28th February

- Running Club at 8am (All Welcome)

- Year 5 Camp

- Open Morning and School Tour for prospective families - starting at 9.15am 

- Assembly at 9.15am (All Welcome)

Please note assembly time has changed for today only - Assembly will be at 9.15am today


Term 1, Week 6

Monday 3rd March

- Running Club at 8am (All Welcome)


Tuesday 4th March

- Sacrament of Reconciliation for Year 3 students at St. Joseph’s Port Melbourne starting at 6pm


Wednesday 5th March

- Ash Wednesday Mass at 12noon at Ss. Peter and Paul (All Welcome)


Thursday 6th March

- Year 2 Excursion to Collingwood Children’s Farm


Friday 7th March

- Running Club at 8am (All Welcome)

- Beachside Swimming for select students who have progressed to the Beachside Swimming Competition

- Assembly at 2.50am (All Welcome)




We wish you and your family every blessing in the coming weeks


Amy Burns (Acting Principal), Richard Harding (Deputy Principal) and Holly Evans (Acting Deputy Principal)