Classroom Activities

Welcome to Year 7, 2025


Welcome to our 18 Year 7 students and their families. For those parents who are new to the school the Year 7 News column will appear each fortnight in the school newsletter. Through it, I will aim to keep you as informed as possible about all aspects of the Year 7 program.

Our new Year 7 students began their secondary education last week at DHS and are currently learning to adjust to one of the biggest changes they have been confronted with. So far, the start to the school year has been smooth and positive. If parents or students have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact me ant time.


Newsletter items

Each newsletter, I will be publishing Year 7 homework when teachers provide me with the information. Another important item on this newsletter is the future Calendar Dates, usually on the front page. This will help you keep your finger on the pulse.



All parents and students have access to the Xuno platform. This will allow you to keep in regular contact with the school and be able to download relevant information. Your welcome email to Xuno was sent to you on January 28th. 


Mobile Phones

A reminder to parents that students are not allowed access to mobile phones between the hours of 8.45 am to 3.25 pm. For additional information, refer to the mobile policy published on the school website.


Year 7 Camp

The Year 7 camp at Boort Lakes will take place in Week 4, Wednesday 19th February to Friday 21st February 2025. Paperwork for this camp is currently being prepared and will be distributed soon. The cost of the camp will be advised soon. If you think you may have difficulty financing this camp, please contact the school to discuss payment options.


Homework Diaries

These are one of the most important organisational tools students can have. Each student should have purchased a school diary on the booklist. They are expected to use their diaries in class to record important dates and homework. If necessary, I will also use the diary as another method of communicating with parents. Please check and sigh your child’s diary at the end of the school week, preferably Thursday night. Encourage your child to be responsible for reminding you to check and sigh the diary.



Year 7 Homework

MathsMaths worksheet due Friday 9th Feb
ScienceScience front cover page due 11th Feb


Jane Battersby

Year 7 Coordinator
