Instrumental Music

Instrumental Music Program 2025


The instrumental music program at Great Ryrie hit the ground running this week with 121 students enrolled and over 15 more waiting to start next week! We've also had to bring on three new teachers to meet demand, which is a nice problem to have! 


Enrolments are still open via the Google Form:


I'll do my best to fit you in or there's a waiting list if I can't 🙂


Choirs and New School Concert Band


Choirs will be starting up again next week - previous members will be auto-enrolled and I'll be sending out EOIs for new members via Compass. 


I will also be starting a school concert band later in the year - I'll also be sending out EOIs via Compass once instrumental music is all organised 🙂


Shrek Jr Audition Assistance with Laura



Laura has kindly offered to provide lunchtime sessions to help Grade 5/6 prepare for Shrek Jr auditions (if they'd like).


Please contact Laura directly via to organise 🙂