Parents and Friends Association

 Fundraising Events



Easter Raffle

Dixie Cup Ice Cream Drive


Education Night – BBQ and Cake Stall

Mother’s  and Speial Person's Day Stall

Trivia Night



Pie Drive 

Father’s and Special Person's Day Stall

Fun Run – 23rd October

Mango Drive

End of Year Concert & BBQ

End of Year Raffle


Easter Raffle 

Next week, each family will receive a book of raffle tickets priced at $1 each. We ask that you please return your money and ticket butts clearly named and include a phone number. The raffle will be drawn at an Easter Assembly on the last day of term.  

Easter Raffle Donations

To support the raffles success, we ask for donations to make up the many prizes the raffle is famous for. Blocks and boxes of chocolates, bags of Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, Easter crafts, decorations and books are all great ideas for donations. Last year we had over 30 prizes and the children loved it! 


Donations can be sent with the children or dropped at the Office.  


 Disco – Thursday 27th March 

The Disco will be held in the Sports and Performance Centre with three sessions for different year levels.

Prep: 2:30 – 3:15

Year 1 – 3: 3:30 – 4:20

Year 4 – 6: 4:30 – 5:30

We will also be providing a Sausage Sizzle from 3:30 – 5:45pm for those that would like to purchase an early dinner and put out a picnic rug on the oval. 

Silent Auction Donations

We welcome any families that are able to provide goods or services that could be used for auction items, raffle or game prizes at our Trivia Night in Term 2 (Date TBA).


We estimate that we will attract around 150 people from the local area and beyond. By promoting your company through donated items, your business will receive excellent exposure. In return for your donation, we are also able to offer the following:

  • Your company/business name on our website and Facebook page.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation to display on your business premises; and
  • Advertising in the weekly school newsletter.

Please contact Melissa Roberts via Compass if you would be able to support the Silent Auction via a donation and we look forward to announcing the date of the event in upcoming newsletters. 


All money raised this year will be used for the following initiatives: providing more shaded areas, outside furniture, fencing and airconditioning in the gym.


Melissa Roberts

Assistant Principal