Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

It has been a busy first month here at NMPS! Our positive start to the school year has continued over the last fortnight and it has been wonderful seeing students across all year levels so settled and engaged in their learning. 


A particular highlight was our Meet the Teacher/Specialist Open Classroom Event held in week two. While brief, the interviews served as a great opportunity to put names to faces and begin that initial partnership between home and school. Thank you to all those families that were able to make it on the day. If you were unable to make the Meet the Teacher Interview and would like an opportunity to touch base with your child’s teacher, please do not hesitate to reach out and make an appointment via Compass.

Introducing Our 2025 School Leaders

Now that the 2025 school year has commenced, we would like to formally introduce our School Leaders and House Captains for 2025. Please keep reading our newsletter to find out more about our student leaders.


School Captains                      Cultural Leader                           House Captains

Lachy P                                        Dewa                                               Blue -Ronin & Jaz

Dre K                                                                                                       Red - Lillian & Teddy

Temwa N                                                                                               Yellow - Nishan & Angie

Mira D                                                                                                    Green - Iris & Islay



We look forward to working together with these students to make sure our school can be the best it can be!

Renovation News – Errol Street Campus

As you may be aware, there are lots of trades onsite at our Errol Street Campus. We are currently in the process of having the ramps across the school upgraded, along with another toilet renovation. 


Ramp work will continue across the school in a staged response. This does mean that some access paths will be unavailable throughout the term, however we have ensured there is always a suitable alternative for accessibility paths around the school.


The School Council has worked hard to progress the third toilet block renovation which has now begun. We are pleased to announce this renovation includes a gender-neutral toilet which will be available for all our students use upon completion.


Please bear with us as we work through the renovation period at our Errol Street Campus. We plan for this work to be completed by the end of Term 1.

Looking ahead

Our Parent Helper Information Session is scheduled for Thursday 20th February our Molesworth Street Campus. Please refer to previous communication to attend this session.


Next week our Year 4 students head off to their annual camp, venturing to Anglesea to go surfing. We wish them well and are excited to hear about their adventures on their return.


Our annual School Photo Day is coming up on Friday 28th February.