Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Country Fair - The day has arrived again. I would like to thank all the parents involved in the organisation especially Sarah Fleming and Natalie Conn. It is going to be a wonderful day. Remember it is not too late to volunteer. See you there!


Teacher Meet and Greet BBQ - We are looking forward to having an informal meet and greet with families on Tuesday afternoon. The school will provide a sausage sizzle from 4:45pm - 5:45pm. Come along and meet the staff. Students are welcome. Please RSVP through School Bytes for catering purposes.


School Uniforms - For school uniform enquiries please contact Intersport Bathurst. The P&C uniform email will no longer be monitored. If you require second hand uniforms the school has a limited supply. If you would like to donate second hand uniforms, please leave them at the school office and they will be given to students who are in need. Alternatively, if you would like to sell second hand uniforms, please do so through the Eglinton Community Facebook page.


NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 -  2025, NAPLAN will take place from Wednesday 12 to Monday 24 March. Students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 who are enrolled at a school are expected to participate in 4 NAPLAN tests:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
  • Numeracy

All schools in NSW complete NAPLAN online. However, Year 3 students do the writing test on paper. Teachers will ensure students are familiar with the format of the tests before the NAPLAN test window.


Supporting your child

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school.

It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing. It is about assessing learning progress.


The best approach for preparing your child for NAPLAN is to encourage your child to do the best they can on the day. Excessive preparation or the use of coaching providers is not recommended.


If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance.


Students’ digital skills

The digital skills needed to complete NAPLAN are skills students use in everyday classroom activities. Students do not need to be able to touch type. The online test is not about keyboard skills.


Public demonstration site

The public demonstration site is available for students, teachers and parents to get familiar with the types of questions, tools and functions used in the NAPLAN tests. It includes demonstration tests for each NAPLAN year level, test domain (writing, reading, conventions of language, and numeracy), and alternative tests for students with disability.


Withdrawals and exemptions

You can withdraw your child from NAPLAN tests.

Your child may be exempt from NAPLAN tests if they have:

  • significant disabilities that severely limit their capacity to participate in the tests

  • a language background other than English and have recently arrived in Australia (less than a year before the tests).

Contact your child’s school for further information about withdrawals and exemptions and to sign a parent or carer consent form.


Tailored testing

NAPLAN reading, numeracy and conventions of language tests use a tailored test design. Tailored testing adapts to student's responses. It provides a more precise assessment of individual student performance.

Students at each year level start with a similar set of questions. Depending on the number of questions a student answers correctly, their next set of questions may be more, or less, difficult.

Students should not be concerned if the questions are more difficult than expected.

A student’s NAPLAN result is based on both the number and difficulty of questions they answer correctly. A student who completes a more difficult set of questions is more likely to achieve a higher score and a higher proficiency level.

For more information on tailored testing visit the NAP website.


Catch-up tests

Where possible, schools may arrange catch-up tests for individual students who were absent on the day of a scheduled NAPLAN test. 


Eglinton PS will be holing NAPLAN testing on the following days:

Wednesday 12 March - Writing Years 3 and 5

Thursday 13 March - Reading Years 3 and 5

Friday 14 March - catch up writing Years 3 and 5

Monday 17 March - Conventions of language (Spelling and Grammar) Years 3 and 5

Tuesday 18 March - Numeracy Years 3 and 5



  • Please ensure you are waiting in the Kinder playground and canteen areas at the end of the school day for pick up. Students and teachers find it distracting if parents are waiting outside classrooms.



School Photo envelopes have been sent home with your child. Please ensure you read the instructions as each envelope has an individual order online shoot key and cannot be copied.


All children will have their photo taken on the day. If you would like a family photo, please collect a family envelope from the front office.


If you are unable to pay online, the correct money must be in the sealed photo envelope supplied and given directly to MSP Photography on the day.


Communicating with our school