Message from the Principal Team

Week 3 & 4 Term 1 2025
Dear CNPS Families,
What a lovely start we have had to the year. One aspect of any new school year is learning new routines. It has been wonderful to observe students from Foundation to Year 6 establishing themselves in their new learning environments, getting to know their teachers and peers and working through their many questions and wonderings. I would like to again acknowledge the amazing Education Support staff, who perform outstanding work, particularly supporting students settle into their new surrounds.
As I am experiencing Term 1 for the first time at CNPS, I am learning a lot about the ‘Great Lee Street Fete’. What a wonderful way for community to come together as we work to raise funds for our great school. In the coming weeks, via school council, CNPS will be talking about the fundraising effort and how we will be prioritising funds raised. We are encouraging all families to get involved with the annual fete. If you are able to volunteer your time, please come via the office and speak with Trish or Gaby.
CNPS Voluntary Contributions
Every year, the school purchases stationery items, classroom supplies and eLearning subscriptions on behalf of all students. Parent/Carer voluntary contributions assist the school in managing these costs. We are greatly appreciative of any contributions made. Compass has been updated to allow payment to be made through the portal via Course Confirmations. Payment can also be made by EFTPOS at the office. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)
The Victorian Government offer a Sports, Camps and Excursions Fund (CSEF) for families who hold a valid means-tested concession card. A special consideration category also exists. If you would like more information about CSEF, please contact the office.
Principal Class – Classroom Visits
Across the opening weeks of the 2025 school year, Erin, Jane and I have visited classrooms across CNPS to meet with students and discuss the exciting year ahead. Part of our conversation focussed on school pride, CNPS values, creating community, being responsible citizens and expectations for ourselves as learners.
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher interviews are scheduled for Week 5 Term 1 – Monday 24 February – Friday 28 February 2025. This will be an opportunity to share information about your child/ren with the classroom teacher and hear about the first four weeks of the 2025 school year. This year we are trialling a new format, where teachers have scheduled appointment times throughout the week. This will hopefully assist families with more flexibility. Please visit Compass for more information.
The 2025 National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be administered to students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March 2025. CNPS will be sharing more information with families of Year 3 and 5 regarding assessments in the coming weeks. If any parent has any questions regarding NAPLAN 2025, please contact your classroom teacher.
School Council
Nominations for school council will open on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 8am and close on Monday 3 March 2025 at 4pm. Nomination forms will be available (from 25/2/25) for collection at the front office. Once all nominations are received, CNPS will advise of the need for elections. Please look out for more information regarding this process via Compass newsfeed notifications.
Professional Learning
Term 1 Planning Days
Last week (Week 3), our teaching teams participated in planning days to set out the learning and wellbeing curriculum for Term 1 2025. I always marvel at seeing our teaching teams in action as they collaborate to create wonderful learning opportunities for their students. Thank you to the specialist teaching team (who also had a day of planning) for working across the school and supporting classes.
Yarra and Darebin Network
Assistant Principal Erin Brown has commenced working with the newly appointed Education Improvement Leader, Carly Marie Clark. Carly is part of the Yarra and Darebin network of schools. Erin, with the wider team at CNPS will be working with Carly as CNPS embarks on revising and upleveling our approach to literacy. This week, Erin and Brendan participated in The Little Learners Love Literacy professional learning workshop. Some of the key theoretical concepts discussed in the workshop include the science of reading, cognitive load theory, and explicit teaching methods. The aim of this particular program is to equip teachers to effectively implement evidence-based routines for reading, spelling, phonemic awareness, and writing in their classrooms.
Building Project Update
In preparation for the building works, currently scheduled to commence in late June, a portable classroom will be installed on-site during the April holidays. This building will provide students in two of the Year 5/6 classes, modern learning spaces while the building project is underway. The portable will be located on the south/west border of the school (Lee Street end). Prior to installation, preparatory works will include setting up amenities and temporary fencing.
As we commence the new school year and the summer sun continues to shine, it is important that students have a hat to wear during recess and lunch. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office. We also ask that families ensure students apply sunscreen at home before attending school. We do have some sunscreen supplies at school should students need to reapply during the day.
School – Home Partnership
The hallmark of a strong school-home partnership is open and respectful dialogue, that embodies the school values. Please feel free to reach out to Jane, Erin, Trish or I should you have any questions or queries as the term progresses.
Looking forward to a big year at CNPS!
Warm Regards,
Matthew Ferguson