Junior School

Week 4

Routines and consistency provide a safe and predictable learning environment, which is a key to boys’ education. Since the year began, all Junior School teachers have been working with the boys to create routine and relationships in the classroom. An essential element to the routines is independence and automaticity.


Commencing week five, we would like to see boys carrying their own bag into school, unpacking their belongings and setting themselves up for success. Often, when a boy forgets his lunch, socks, shoes, iPad, diary, or cricket bat, he is quick to blame the family member who packed his bag. Whilst this may not always be the case (he may have forgotten to pack it) we want to change this narrative. We will be asking the boys to increase their independence, pack their own bag, and take responsibility for their own learning. They will make mistakes. That is ok, we are here to help.


If the mistake concerns their safety, wellbeing, or food, we will help or contact you. If their mistake is forgetting an iPad, mouthguard, grey socks, or musical instrument, we will not phone you. This is a part of learning and growing up. It is important your son continues to develop his independence, sometimes through mistakes.


National Young Leader’s Day  

On Wednesday, 19 February, our Junior School Prefects and Captains attended the National Leader’s Day conference. This was a fantastic opportunity for them to hear from recognized young leaders within the community. This provided another mentor opportunity for our students, as they spent the day with the current Year 12 prefects, also.  

  • It was an inspiring day. It has helped me become a better leader. – Grayson (6W)  
  • It provided us a lot of leadership skills and has taught me how to be a better leader- Marcus (6W)  
  • The leaderships day was inspiring and has taught me how to be a good leader – Ollie (6B)  
  • I thought it was very inspiring. All the speakers had good leadership qualities that we can reflect in the Junior School – Tommy (6Gd)  
  • My favourite presenter was ‘Mr Luke’ (Tic Tok teacher) because he was funny, kind, engaging and has great leadership qualities – Charlie (6Gd)   

The boys are grateful for the support of Mrs. Allen and Miss Nuich on the day.

God Bless,


James McPherson  

Head of Junior School  

Upcoming Events 

Week 1.5 
Monday, 24 February-
Tuesday, 25 February-
Tuesday, 26 February-

Thursday, 27 February 

JPSSA vs Wesley (at Trinity)  

Friday, 28 February 

Junior School Assembly I Year 5 White, Gibney Hall -1.30pm  

Early finish (Years 4-12) - 2.10pm

Week 1.6 
Monday, 3 March  Labour Day Public Holiday  
Tuesday, 4 MarchStaff Professional learning day (pupil free day)  
Wednesday, 5 MarchAsh Wednesday Mass I Sports Centre - 8.40am   

Thursday, 6 March  

JPSSA vs Scotch (at Trinity) 

Friday, 7 March

International Women’s Day

Junior School Assembly I Year 4 White, Gibney Hall - 2.20pm