
Concussion Policy
Trinity has a Concussion Policy throughout both the summer and winter PSA seasons. There is growing and persuasive body of evidence indicating a lower rate of recovery in children and adolescents who may experience a concussion. Acting in the ‘best interest of students’, the College adopts a conservative approach to the management of a student’s concussion and their restoration to health; where their return to learn will take priority over their return to competitive sport.
This Concussion Policy is a comprehensive plan that will be followed by all staff, coaches, parents, and students in the case of concussion occurring to a student during sport training or games. Whilst the policy information and the full process that has to be followed will be sent to parents of students who suffer concussion, there are key points that parents and students have to be aware of if possible concussion occurs:
Students who suffer a head or concussion injury during College sport will be offered First Aid at the time of injury.
Students with suspected concussion will not return to play on the day of injury. A clear motto of “if in doubt, sit them out” will be followed by all staff and coaches.
All possible concussion/head injuries will be reported by staff to the Director of Sport for follow up with the parents.
If the staff are unaware of a possible head injury to the student, parents are encouraged to report possible concussion to the Director of Sport.
Junior School Concussions will be reported to the JS Physical Education Teacher.
The Director of Sport will contact the parents by the Monday after the game outlining the Concussion policy process that will need to be followed before students are able to be cleared to Return to Sport and Return to Learn.
A clear Return to Sport and Return to Learn process will be followed if a student is diagnosed with Concussion. This process will be sent to parents of the students affected.
If a possible concussion has been reported, or concussion has been diagnosed, then for the College to fulfill its duty of care obligations, students who do not provide a medical clearance letter to the Director of Sport will not be selected in a sporting team. As per the guidelines produced by the Australian Sports Commission, both the PSA and Trinity College follow a 21 day return to sport plan.
Enquiries regarding the Concussion Policy can be directed to the Director of Sport – Mr Ryan Lockyer
PSA Code of Conduct
Walking around the various playing venues on Fridays or Saturdays is always a delight, seeing the multitude of parents, families, spectators, and students gathered to watch and cheer on the Trinity teams. The spirit shown are admired by many of the PSA schools and offer incredible support to the students as they proudly represent Trinity College in the blue and green. While we encourage a strong turnout of spectators each week to bolster the students, it's crucial to emphasise that this support should always be in good spirit, with the well-being of the students, staff, and coaches as the top priority.
As we are now three weeks into the 2025 Summer season, it is a timely reminder for all families to adhere to the PSA Code of Conduct. This code outlines essential guidelines for maintaining the standard of behaviour expected within the Trinity community. You can find the PSA Code of Conduct on the PSA website - PSA Code of Conduct
Let's all continue to support our students in the right manner during every sporting event, regardless of year group, level, or sport.
Thank you for your continued support of the Trinity Sporting Program
Ryan Lockyer
Director of Sport
TCRC Quiz Night
The TCRC QUIZ NIGHT is fast approaching 🌟💙💚 it’s a fun filled adults night out, and it’s not just for current parents of the club!
Past Rowers and TC Coaches/Staff: get together and make a table ✅
Past Rowing Parents: Non rowing parents come along and take the prize dust off your TCRC spirit and come along for a great night 🎉
Top prize: $500 voucher to the Rowing Pavilion Restaurant at canning Bridge for the winning table of 8.
Please contact Bridie for individual tickets or see below for full tables.
WHEN: Saturday 22nd February
Doors open 6:30pm for a 7pm start
WHERE: Trinity College, Gibney Hall
$30pp or $240 for a table of 8.
Enquiries: Bridie Lestone | 0403 735 713
This is a BYO food and drink event. Book your tables NOW via the link below!