Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

From all the staff at SMJ, we thank you for

your continued support throughout the term.

It has been a long term, and the children have, in most instances, 'limped to the line'. They all deserve a well-earned break.

At the same time, we understand that it may not be easy for those families who have to continue working and need to juggle that with caring for children.

Remember to be kind to yourselves, too! 


I look forward to having the time and opportunity to see my grandchildren who live elsewhere and having some time to read and, weather permitting, enjoy the outdoors.



This week Mrs Chesterfield and I have met with architects to begin the process of applying for a capital grant to add some much-needed learning spaces to our school. While we are not guaranteed to get the funding, we need to have a master plan in place to continue to seek Government grants for funding when they become available. Exciting times ahead!


Good Luck to all teams in the Wimmera League Football and Netball grandfinals this weekend.

Yours respectfully in Christ
