Principals` Message

Week 2 news


I would like to warmly welcome everyone back for what will be a great last Term of the year. Term 4 is always a busy time for families and schools (even more busy than the rest of the year) as many important events take place, including transition. This term we look forward to welcoming our new foundation students to school, we celebrate and sadly farewell our Year 6 students heading off to Secondary School, and we enjoy see everyone else stepping up to a new year level to meet new teachers and classmates. There will be a number of further events and experiences taking place this Term, so please keep an eye on Compass and our newsletter for updates and information.


We are very excited and looking forward to La Fete a la Fitzroy, which will take place next Saturday 21st October! There will be a great variety of fun experiences and games, including French circus activities, French games, face painting, craft, badge making, reading and plenty more. Our taste buds will be tantalised by delicious foods and drink, baked cakes and treats, ice cream, and popcorn. We will also enjoy wonderful entertainment, including performances by our children. A special treat will also be available for all our children who are wearing a special wrist band (they will receive these on Friday 20th October at school). We still need more volunteers to help out so if you are available please see Mary to sign up to help however you can. Please take some time to read the special Fete newsletter that is available in Compass. The Fete will run from 12-4pm and we look forward to seeing everyone from our school and the local community on the 21st October.


One important update is around our swimming/water safety program previously run in Term 4. This year Fitzroy Swimming Pool was unable to confirm the booking for our school, meaning we will be unable to offer a water safety/swimming program this year. We have booked for this program to take place in Term 1 of 2024, so we will be able to provide swimming next year. 


As we are now in spring and heading into summer we need to remind our students and families to be SunSmart and wear a hat outdoors in Term 4. All children are required to wear a broad brimmed hat, bucket hat or legionnaires cap when outside for PE or playtime. Hats should also be named to ensure they are easily returned to their owner should they be misplaced. Children not wearing a hat will need to stay in passive play in the shade as we move further into Term 4.


I am some great news about some awesome academic achievement by one of our Year 3 students.  I am very happy and proud to announce that Lucie from Year 3 was a finalist in the Year 3 category of the Berthe Mouchette poetry competition from Alliance Francaise this year and received a perfect score of 20! Mae Willis and Felix T were also both finalists in their age groups. We commend all of our Year 3-4 participants and finalists on their incredible efforts and thank Danielle and Severine for their support of our students.

The building project in the George St is motoring along with plenty of activity across the road. The lift in Napier St will be commissioned next week as CitiPower will be returning this weekend to finish work they started during the school holidays. We are very much looking forward to our lift being functional, which will help those who are mobility impaired and families with prams. 


Lastly, I would like to let families know that Monday 6th November, will be a student free day. This is the day before Cup Day which will allow our families to enjoy a long, long weekend, and will provide our teachers with important professional learning time. 




-Nathan Moore & Andrea Hennessey