Student Awards

Students of the Week

Alice P, 2A - for being a kind and conscientious student in every area of schooling! You are a hard worker and a good friend, keep it up!


Ben V, 3A - for starting every day with a cheeky smile, it brings a feeling of happiness to everyone's day. 



Miles D, PA - for his resilient attitude towards learning. Your bravery in facing new challenges is inspiring. HERRRby and Prep A are so proud!! 


Zoe W, 5A - for being a respectful, hardworking member of 5A who just ‘gets on with it!’ 


Green HERRRBY Award

Georgie C, 1A - for consistently having a litter free lunch and keeping a daily check of the litter free lunches in her class each week. You display great leadership skills.



Lizzy H, PB- for your hard work and persistence to improve your handwriting! Amazing effort! Keep it up. 


 Jonah K, PD - for being an engaged, hardworking and dedicated student. You are progressing each and every week!


Ayda B, 1A - for the seamless way she has slotted into Gardenvale Primary School and the effort she puts into her work. We love having you in 1A.


 Ezra W, 1B - for always showing the HERRRby values. You are so kind, always making people feel included and happy. Keep being yourself, superstar!


Aston N, 1D - for having an amazing start to Term 4! Your spider photo was fabulous and you have been so supportive and kind in welcoming Zac to 1D - you rock!


Stefan M, 2A - for his hard work with money last week. You were amazing at counting coins and giving change at our Trash and Treasure!  


Aria G, 2B - for her work in Trash and Treasure and our money unit. Your maths skills are improving so much, keep it up Aria!


David T, 2C - for your beautiful illustration of your colourful bird, showing how the birds got their colours from the dreamtime stories. Well done!


Harper B, 2D -  for being a kind friend, wonderful helper and conscientious student. 


Lenny R, 3C - for always trying hard in class and always willing to give a helping hand.  Well done Lenny.


Ted W, 4A - for always being a kind and considerate classmate. Well done on a great year Ted!


Nina R, 4A - for always trying hard and putting in your best effort for learning! Keep it up!


Zac G, 4B - for showing he is ready for the step up to Year 5 by being well organised and a great listener.


Adam W, 4C - for completing his homework promptly and handed it in a day before it’s due. Well done!


Theo L, 4D - for the conscientious effort you have put into all your schoolwork this week, especially the Weekly 5 tasks. Fantastic effort Theo. 


Soph B, 5B - for demonstrating beautiful classroom behaviour at all times.


Gemma T, 5C - for her exceptional performance this term, where she consistently showcases her brilliance. 


Elliott K, 5D for making a wonderful start at Gardenvale. We are very pleased to have you in 5D!


Kit H, 6A - for a great start to Term 4, and for keeping our assemblies running smoothly!


Liam F, 6B - for always making us laugh. Your smile brightens up the room. 


Ellie Q, 6C -  for the care and effort she puts into every piece of work she does. Your application and attitude is to be congratulated. Well done!


Anikin M, 6D - for the wonderful creative thinking he brings to our classroom and for his improved diligence with regard to improving his academic skills.