Principal's Report

The work on the new entrance to the Senior Campus is complete and looks so welcoming and creates a wonderful lead into the Senior Campus and the new Art Room! A big thank you to Leon Lapata for his vision and for his voluntary work in managing and overseeing this project. 



School Review

Yesterday we welcomed Heather Norbury, our School Reviewer to Gardenvale Primary School.  Two School Principals, Rochelle Cukier, from Armadale PS and Josh Sheffield from Hampton PS, joined with Rachel George (Senior Improvement Leader Beachside Network), Trica Ciampa, School Council President and our Leadership Team, to review our achievements over the last four years and help us to establish the new direction for the coming four years. The day gave us the opportunity to reflect and establish the groundwork for the development of the new Strategic Plan. This work will continue over the coming weeks.


Sick Bay Compass Messages

Beginning next week, we will be using Compass to log and communicate sick bay attendance to parents. If the injury or illness is considered minor and your child can return to class or the playground, you will receive an email with a brief description via Compass. You will also be able to view this via the ‘Chronicle’ section on the Compass app.   

You will still be contacted via phone call if your child receives a bump to the head or if they need to be collected from school.  


Year 3 Working Bee

A reminder that we have our Working Bee for Year 3 Families this Sunday at 9.00am! We are asking our Year 3 families to spend an hour or two at the Senior Campus helping us to undertake necessary maintenance so that the grounds are nice and tidy for the remainder of the year.  We really appreciate the cash donations made to our Buildings and Grounds by those families that are unable to attend the Working Bee.


If you are not a Year 3 family but have a hour or so to spare this Sunday morning we would love the extra help!


Open Streets Friday 20th October

It was great to see everyone out for the ‘Open Streets’ day last Friday! As part of the program, The Flying Bike Mobile Bicycle Workshop, will be providing free bike safety checks from 8:30am for any students riding to school!


Thank you,
