Staff and Student Learning Assistant Principal Report

Subject Learning Area Showcase
At Lyndale Secondary College students are very lucky that we offer a wide variety of subjects to study throughout their secondary schooling. On Wednesday 26th July, Year 9 and 10 families were invited to attend a showcase where our Subject Learning Area Leaders were available to discuss the different pathways and subject opportunities available to students. It was great to see so many families attend and take an active interest in their child’s learning program.
Progress Reports
As you may have read on our Compass Newsfeed, our progress (or Work Habits) reports are being published soon. This is a great opportunity for parents and carers to have a discussion with their child about the learning progress each student is making. Parents and carers can play a vital role in helping students identify areas where they might be able to make improvements with their learning and study routines. Remember, if your child is disappointed with their progress report, they can make a fresh start and embrace new earning opportunities during Term 4. Other students have worked very hard this term and deserve to have their successes celebrated. Either way, we want to gently encourage all students to stay focused on their studies for their last term of school in 2023.
Parent Student Teacher Conferences – Monday 16th October
Please discuss any queries/concerns you have with your child's teachers at the upcoming parent-student-teacher conferences on Monday 16th October. This will be a student free day where parents/carers have had the opportunity to make appointments and receive feedback on your child’s progress. If a teacher is unable to attend the conferences, they can be contacted via email after the conferences take place. More information will come about how to book and the location/time of these conferences at the start of next term.
Remember that written feedback and grades for all assessment tasks (SACs and CATs) can be found on Compass and parents and students should check this prior to the conference date.
Jessica Quinn
Assistant Principal
Staff and Student Learning