
Term 3 in the Library - Book Week
The start of term 3 meant planning was underway for Book Week 2023.
Every year in the third week of August, it is Book Week around Australia. The CBCA nominees are shortlisted and a theme is announced. This year it was READ, GROW, INSPIRE!
The library hosted competitions and activities throughout the week. We had daily trivia, word puzzles, design a bookmark, and a creative writing competition which produced high level entries. First prize was taken out by Kishore from Year 10. Please see below the outstanding piece of writing Kishore produced to win a hamper of goodies, worth over $70.
A big thank you to all our students who enthusiastically participated in our daily trivia, puzzles, activities and competitions, and to our staff for supporting us during our busiest week of the year.
We finished off the week with a Guest Speaker – Author, Will Kostakis.
On 29th August, Will spoke to approximately 170 students with a personal, yet funny presentation, telling us about how he became a writer and talked about all the knockbacks he had on his road to success. Afterwards, during period 4, Will engaged a class full of students in a writing workshop. Outbursts of laughter was frequently heard as Will amused the group with ideas and examples from his own writing experiences. Students listened attentively and asked questions often.
It was a wonderful end to our Book Week activities.
Our top borrowers for Term 3 are:
- Rodney M’ao – Year 8
- Anojii Suthakaran – Year 8
- Ella Torelli – Year 7
- Zainab Baz Ali – Year 8
Please come to the Library at start of Term 4 to collect your prize.
The Library Team