You Can Do It

You Can Do It in Term Four will have a strong focus on the social and emotional skills students will need to strengthen in the lead-up to their graduation and Year Seven high school transition; two significant milestones in their educational journey. They will make connections between the Keys to Success (Confidence, Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along and Resilience) and strategies to ensure a successful transition. With a significant emphasis on Organisation, students will be introduced to processes such as, reading a timetable, attending different classrooms for their lessons, and organising their own books. Development of these skills will help with the smooth transition to secondary school.
Throughout Term 4, You Can Do It learning will also cover issues pertaining to peer pressure. Students will be equipped with useable strategies to address and overcome peer pressure if it arises in the future. Part of this learning will come through the ‘My Year Seven Life’ docuseries, which follows the successes and challenges of a group of young students who have recently graduated from primary school. Ultimately, our Term Four You Can Do It learning will provide the Level Six cohort with all the tools they need to enjoy their final year of primary school and ensure a seamless transition to secondary school the following year.
Key Vocabulary for You Can Do It: transition, organisation, confidence, peer pressure, resilience
If you wish to support your child’s learning in You Can Do It this term, you can:
- Familiarise yourself and your child with their high school and its website. Consider undertaking a tour or visit.
- Take the time to check in with your child about their emotions and thoughts around leaving Primary school and entering Secondary School. Discuss your child’s hopes and fears related to high school transition; parents or older siblings might like to share their personal experiences from high school.
- Share your own experiences of transitions and highlight the strategies you used to progress through the change:
- From primary school to secondary school
- From secondary school to university
- Moving countries