
The final Inquiry unit students will be undertaking is underpinned by the question, ‘How can energy be generated and transformed ethically?’ They will begin the term by unpacking the scientific fundamentals, such as different forms of energy (kinetic, heat, light, chemical and potential), their properties and how they can be harnessed and transformed into electricity for human use. Students will also deepen their Science Inquiry toolkit, by conducting scientific investigations and experiments involving energy. The skills they will be enhancing include those within the scientific method, such as questioning and predicting, observing and accurately recording scientific phenomena, analysing results and formulating conclusions. This also presents a cross-curricular link to Literacy, where students will be exploring ways to write a report and effectively communicate their scientific findings to a wide audience.
The Inquiry unit will also be connected to Global Goal 7, ‘Affordable and clean energy,’ where students will explore energy usage at a local and international scale. They will delve into energy usage in Australia, with a focus on the historical development of its infrastructure, current challenges and the nation’s vision for the future. This will coincide with an excursion to CERES, an education centre where students will experience environmentally sustainable and socially conscious approaches to utilising the Earth’s natural resources. They will then widen their scope to the international arena, by analysing the potential challenges and barriers that different communities are facing in their fight for accessible, affordable, clean and sustainable energy.
Finally, this unit of learning will culminate in a STEAM Inquiry project, where students will draw upon their science learning to create and present an innovative design solution for an energy-related challenge or issue in the international community. This will connect to the Design Technologies curriculum and require students to drawn upon skills from across multiple learning areas, such as Mathematics when analysing data related to energy usage, Art when balancing the aesthetics and functionality of a design solution, and so forth.
Key vocabulary for Inquiry: energy, resource, sustainable development, innovation, design solution
If you wish to support your child’s learning in Inquiry this term, you can:
- Collaborate with your child to analyse the energy sources and energy-using products across your household. Monitor the energy usage and work together to develop strategies that optimise consumption and combat wastage.
- Look out for local or international news regarding energy-related issues. You may wish to discuss reasons for these issues, along with potential challenges and solutions.