
During Term Four, the Level Six students will be covering a range of mathematical concepts including Geometric Reasoning, Transformation and Location. Students will gain a deeper understanding of Cartesian Planes, focusing on describing locations using x-axis and y-axis coordinates. They will apply mathematical language when describing transformations such as reflection, rotation and translation. By combining different transformations on a Cartesian Plane, students will continue to develop their visual reasoning skills. Furthermore, students will continue to explore a range of problem-solving strategies in depth and be provided with opportunities to apply these strategies to help them solve worded mathematical problems.
Year 6 students generated Cartesian plane ‘artwork’ by applying their understanding of the coordinate system.
The whole school approach of SURF will provide students with a structured framework to use when working mathematically. The SURF strategies will enable them to develop their personalised mathematics learning goals. Students will work with a range of different problems and will be provided with opportunities to combine pictorial, concrete and abstract strategies to justify their found solutions to questions and challenges.
Key vocabulary for Mathematics: x-axis, y-axis, quadrant, co-ordinate, ordered pair, reflection, rotation, translation, transformation, line symmetry, rotational symmetry
If you wish to support your child’s learning in Maths this term, you can:
- Explore and describe examples of transformations (translations, rotations and reflections) in patterns in your local environment.
- Ask your child to explain the key features of a Cartesian plane and practise identifying different locations.
- Play a game of ‘Battleship’ with your child using a Cartesian Plane.