From the Principal

Dr Andrew Parry

A new Term of opportunity and promise

Welcome to Term 4—a season of opportunity and challenge that ushers in new a Student Leadership Team and the vibrant energy of spring. As we stand on the cusp of this exciting term, I am reminded of the words of the poet, T.S. Eliot, who wrote:


 "(September) is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain." 


In these lines, we find the essence of spring—a season of paradox, where life emerges from the dormant, and growth sprouts from the seemingly lifeless.


As we embrace the blossoming surroundings, let us also embrace the opportunities that come with a new term. This term brings new leadership, fresh perspectives, and a chance for all our students to cultivate their own personal and academic growth. Just as flowers bloom in the spring, so too can our students' talents and capabilities develop and flourish during this term.


However, with growth comes challenge. For our Year 12 students, Term 4 brings the HSC examinations that commenced this week - an opportunity to showcase the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic journey. It is a challenge, yes, but it is also a testament to their resilience and dedication. 


As the Term commences, we can reflect on the words of Anne Frank, who said:


"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." 


I encourage our students to use this moment, this term, to improve themselves, their understanding, and their contribution to our school community.


As the days lengthen and the warmth of spring rejuvenates us, let us approach the challenges with the same determination that nature exhibits in its cyclical renewal. Just as the trees shed their old leaves to make way for new ones, I encourage our students to let go of what holds them back and to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. In this season of growth and flourishing, may they find the inspiration and resilience to face challenges head-on and, by Terms end, experience that deep sense of accomplishment and fulfilment derived from knowing they have given and achieved their best.


Our new Spring Term presents us with a blank canvas of endless possibilities just waiting to be painted with the vibrant and colourful brush strokes of our achievements.


I wish our students a term filled with growth, success, and a deep sense of accomplishment.

Student Leaders 2023-24

At the conclusion of last Term we had the pleasure of inducting our new Student Leadership team for 2023-2024.


I am most grateful for the excellent contribution made to the life of the School by our outgoing leaders over the past 12 months. Our student community has been superbly led by our hard working and motivated Prefects and House Leadership teams who have demonstrated that true leadership is about service and commitment. Many of our Senior students have also set an outstanding example and have shown courage and commitment in their desire to make our School a finer place. Our outgoing leaders have implemented many excellent initiatives including:

  • The outstanding Central West Leadership Forum for Student Leaders across the region. 
  • Our Student ‘Gathos’ aimed to boost school spirit, unity and pride, and to give greater voice to the student body.
  • Our Leaders have created opportunities to generate a positive School culture aimed at making all students feel they belong. 
  • The reintroduction of the Old Wolaroi College War Cry and the awarding of the Kinrossian to students who have exhibited kindness and generosity.

Our incoming leaders have been recognised for their ability to lead, to serve and uphold the values of Kinross Wolaroi School. As they assume their roles, they embark on a journey that will not only shape their lives, but also leave an indelible mark on our School community.


The opportunity to lead is a great privilege and, with all privilege comes much responsibility.


Leadership is about service. It is about contributing to the lives of others and striving to make our school community a better place. Our new Leadership team are entrusted with the privilege of representing our School, but they must also shoulder the responsibility of modelling and upholding our School values.

We are surrounded by leaders – in politics, in business, in sport and we are well aware that not all leaders are good or constructive leaders. There is a reason that throughout history, humans have celebrated great leaders.  We celebrate their vision, their courage, their strength. Great leaders have left us with timeless wisdom that resonates with the core of what leadership means.


We can draw inspiration from their words as we reflect on the role our student leaders are about to take on.

The great Indian leader Mahatma Gandi was an anti-colonial nationalist who employed non-violent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. His moral courage, commitment and vision inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

Gandi once said:

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

Our Student Leaders, by virtue of their positions, have the unique opportunity to initiate positive change within our School Community. They can inspire their peers to be better, to strive to be the best versions of themselves and to embody the values we hold dear.


Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to create a more just society in his country, South Africa. He worked tirelessly to abolish racist apartheid policies that severely discriminated against nonwhites. His courage and commitment to this cause saw him serve 27 years in prison and when finally released he went on to become President of South Africa. As his nation's leader he became the driving force that ended South Africa's racist policies.

Mandela stood up for what he believed - the existence of a fair and just society, even if it meant standing alone at great personal cost. His actions saw him become an emblem of resilience and forgiveness for his nation and people throughout the world. Nelson Mandela stated:  “It always seems impossible until it is done.”


Our Student Leaders may face challenges and obstacles, but they must remember that every change they seek to implement is possible with good planning, determination, and a collaborative spirit.

The former Chancellor of Germany and highly respected National Leader, Angela Merkel stated: “In the end, it's not about the most powerful person in the room. It’s about sharing wisdom, letting others shine and working together to achieve greatness.” Angela Merkel emphasises the importance of collaborative leadership and reminds us of the immense value of teamwork, humility, and inclusion. By acknowledging that leadership is not about asserting dominance, but nurturing collective success, leaders can foster trust, build strong teams, and drive meaningful change. Merkel’s legacy demonstrates how effective leadership can bring people together to overcome challenges and create a better future.


These historical leaders remind us that leadership is not confined to a particular era or domain; it transcends time and space. Our Student Leaders have a wonderful opportunity to become leaders of their time as they leave their unique imprint and legacy in the history of our great school.


Our Student Leaders incredible journey before them. It will be a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, opportunities, and responsibilities but it will also be a journey of personal growth and transformation. I encourage our Leaders to embrace this opportunity with an open heart and a steadfast spirit. Lead with compassion, integrity, and a deep sense of purpose. Remember that your actions will not only define your legacy but also shape the future of our School.


I encourage our student body to support our Student Leaders and hold them to the high standards we expect of them.


Very importantly, remember that leadership is not the sole responsibility of a few; it is a collective endeavour that thrives when we all contribute our best. We all lead, have the power to influence and possess the opportunity to make our School Community a very special place.


I thank our Student Leaders for accepting this responsibility and wonderful opportunity, and I very much look forward to working with them over the next 12 months.