Sports News


  • Eastern Region Athletics @ Doncaster Athletics Track, ~ Thursday 19th October (selected Yr. 3 – 6 students)
  • Eastern Region Boys Softball @ Waverley Softball Centre ~ Monday 30th October (selected Yr. 5 & 6 students)
  • Yr. 5 Surfing Day @ Shoreham ~ Wednesday 15th November (selected Yr. 5 students)
  • Yr. 6 Surfing Day @ Shoreham ~ Thursday 16th November (selected Yr. 6 students)
  • Foundation – Yr. 2 House Sports @ Milgate PS ~ Wednesday 22nd November ~ 9:15am – 10:30am (all F – Yr. 2 students)
  • Yr. 4 Bike Ed Program ~ Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December (all Yr. 4 students)

Templestowe District Volleyball Round Robin

Well done to our Girls & Boys Volleyball Teams who competed in the Templestowe District Volleyball Round Robin on Friday 6th October. Both teams played some terrific Volleyball, in some hard-fought matches. Congratulations to the Girls who placed 2nd and the Boys who placed 3rd.


Templestowe District Basketball Round Robin

Well done to our Girls & Boys Basketball Teams who competed in the Templestowe District Basketball Round Robin on Wednesday 11th October. Both teams played terrific basketball, in some hard-fought matches. Congratulations to both the Girls and Boys teams.

YEAR 2 Outdoor Education Day @ OASIS Camp, Mt Evelyn

On Monday 9th October 2SK & 2MW and on Tuesday 10th October 2JG & 2TW spent the day at OASIS Camp, Mt Evelyn. The students spent the day exploring camp and undertaking the following activities:

  • Low Ropes Course
  • Candle Making 
  • Reptile House (hands on experience learning about Reptiles)

Many thanks to the Yr. 2 teachers, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. North, and the parent helpers who assisted in making the students experience at OASIS Camp such a memorable one. 

YEAR 4 Outdoor Education Days @ Milgate & Lilydale Lake

On Wednesday 11th October and Thursday 12th October the Yr. 4’s spent a day at Milgate PS and a day at Lilydale Lake undertaking a variety of Outdoor Education activities. 


@ Milgate PS

@ Lilydale Lake

  • Skateboarding Program run by YMCA
  • Orienteering
  • Movie
  • BBQ Lunch
  • Canoeing run by Paddling Victoria
  • Initiatives & Team Games run by Mt Evelyn Recreation Camp staff

The students had a fantastic time, it was great to see them extending themselves and being risk takers through a variety of different opportunities. Many thanks must go to the Yr. 4 teachers and the parent helpers who assisted at Lilydale Lake on Wednesday & Thursday.