Principal's Reports

Jenny Dowsett

 Welcome back to term 4. We hope all of our families have made a great start to the final term of 2023. It's great to be back at Bunyip Primary School and working with the students and families. 

This week I had the opportunity to take the 1/2  and 3/4 students for digitech and I got to learn about coding and see some great projects being made in google classrooms.

We have quite a bit of news to start the term with.


Staffing Changes:

Mrs Beilby is sadly leaving us and heading to East Gippsland. I know our school will miss her greatly and we thank her for her tireless work and positive contribution to our school community. We wish Ms Beilby, Jag, Will and  Georgia all the best for all the great things in their future. Mrs Beilby hopes to make it back for Grade 6 Graduation. We would also like to thank Jag for the many tasks he undertook to improve our Grounds & Buildings and for his contribution to School Council.

Ms Amie Parker has been employed as a Leading Teacher starting today and will take over 1/2 Beilby for the remainder of the year. Ms Parker has extensive experience in student wellbeing and Disability Inclusion and we know she will be a great asset to our team. 

Tracey Sever will be joining the Education Support Staff team and supporting students in 1/2 Beilby until the end of the year. Tracey will still be running the canteen on Mondays and Fridays.

We welcome Back Mrs Julie Gatti for term 4. Julie is providing Library lessons to students in Grades Prep to 4. It's great to have Julie back.


2024 enrolments:

It's that time of year when we start working out the grade structure and specialist programs for next year. To do this successfully, it's important that we have accurate student numbers. Therefore, if you have younger children who you have not yet enrolled in Prep please do so as soon as possible or if you know of families who are planning on moving to Bunyip PS next year, please encourage them to contact the school and enrol their children. If you are planning on leaving Bunyip PS and transferring to another location, we would also appreciate being informed.


Parent Helpers:

We love having parent helpers in our classrooms and supporting school events, but we do ask that you leave it to the teachers and office administration to contact families when information needs to be passed on. We mean no offence by this, but we appreciate our families trusting us to pass on information as needed.


When visiting the school we ask that parents/carers to support staff in maintaining a safe, secure and respectful learning environment for all students including:

  • Raise any behavioural, bullying or peer group issues with a member of the teaching staff and handover responsibility to deal with these issues to that teacher
  • maintain absolute confidentiality of any information they obtain at school (information obtained at school can be discussed with classroom teachers or the principal, but should not be shared with other parents)
  • In all instances, the behaviour of school children that is of concern to a parent must be raised with either classroom teacher or the principal.

Mobile Phones:

Please remember that students should not have access to their mobile phones at school. This is government policy, not just our school policy. If your child has the need for a mobile phone this should be approved by myself and the phone is to be handed to their classroom teacher to go into a locked box. Alternatively, it can be kept at the office and picked up at the end of each day. Please refer to our school e-smart policy for further details.