Sydenham Campus Principal Message 

Sydenham Campus - 2023 A Champion Year

Principal’s Report

As we approach the end of Term 3, we reflect on a very productive 10 weeks of teaching and learning. 


Unfortunately, we continue to farewell staff who are leaving the College, Stephen Nikiforuk and Damian MacDonald. We also send our best wishes to Stephanie Browning and Dores Khattar who are taking family leave. Thank you to Stephen, Damian, Stephanie and Dores for their contributions to the College. 


We thank Ms Miranda Orford who has been the 9/10 Campus Leader for most of this year, for all her work with B and K Team students and staff. Ms Orford will now return full time to her role as Learning Specialist- Building Practice Excellence (LS-BPE) for the rest of the year. We welcome back Mrs Karen Martin to resume her 9/10 Campus Leader role. 


This term students have been involved in many extra curricular activities. Thank you to our Campus and Team Leaders for their organisation and support of these events. 


From Mr Hasip, 7/8 Campus Leader; 


Year 8 Snow Day 

On Monday August 4th, our Year 8 students attended Lake Mountain Alpine Resort. Although there was not much snow, our students had lots of fun and were able to make snowmen and use the toboggans on the slope. Overall, the students were able to bond with their peers and make great memories on the day. 



Digital Thumbprint 

On August 24th and August 25th, our Year 7 and 8 students had a guest speaker from Optus who came to our campus to educate students about Cyberbullying. Students were exposed to the negative aspects of cyberbullying and the appropriate use of social media platforms. They were also informed about police involvement when people report being abused online. Students were very positive in their feedback and the presenter was also very pleased with the way the students engaged in the presentations. 



ABCN Innovate program with Fujitsu 

A small group of students have been participating in a Blended Face-to-Face/Digital program facilitated by ABCN. The program commenced on 10 August via Zoom and on August 30th, students attended the Fujitsu offices in Collins St to meet their mentors for a conclusion to the program. 


Thank you to ABCN for their continued support of our students. 




Student Led Presentations - Copperfield’s excellent examples of student agency


On Thursday 31/08 and Friday 1/09 we celebrated our students and their 2023 learning journeys via Student Led Presentations (SLPs). Students prepare throughout the year, setting academic and social goals, collecting data and evidence to show their progress towards their goals and then articulating them to family and staff in their SLPs. We were treated to wonderful displays of curricular and extra curricular achievements and many parents and carers provided such positive feedback to their children and the College. 

Feedback from one of our Tutors, Jo Apted, who attended SLPS presented by 2 year 8 siblings which turned into a very special event for both family and staff. 


Mum, Dad and sister watching the two students, who did a good job at their presentations, then the teachers provided feedback. Dad, when asked for his thoughts about the presentation, looked close to tears. He stated that this was his first opportunity to attend these presentations. He was bursting with pride while his children were presenting, listening to what they were doing, their strengths and what they enjoyed. What he really enjoyed was hearing the teachers’ feedback, the positivity and congratulations coming from them brought him to the brink of tears. Further discussions resulted in a thank you song from Dad and Mum in Samoan to the teachers and the school. A very special moment for the teachers present and a wonderful example of the connection that can be made through these SLPs. 


Thank you to our LS-BPEs, Mr Alex Moyer and Ms Miranda Orford and our Sydenham SLP Champion, Ms Linda Ilardi for all their organisation, support and leadership for another year of SLPs. 


Students who were unable to present or missed their appointment time will have the opportunity to redeem their SLPs this week. 



Year 10 Well Being Day 

Thank you to the members of the Well Being Team- Jane Williamson, Emily Jackson and Elle Vilic, for their organisation and support for this year’s Year 10 Well Being Day. 


Feedback from Jane summed up a successful day. The sun was out and it was such a fabulous day. The atmosphere outside with external organisations and our music team was so much fun. The performances added to the fantastic vibe.The students loved the boxing and they loved the pizza’s. Some students told me that they loved the personal story that the presenter shared in BATYR. Students were chatting to the proactive police and it was really positive. 

We are very lucky as a College and a Campus to be so well staffed and served by our Well Being Team. 



End of Term Campus Assembly 

This Thursday we will celebrate the end of term with a campus assembly. We will congratulate the following students who have shown Respect, Responsibility and Valuing Relationships over the course of Term 3; 


B Team 

10B1 – Ashton Grasso & Krish Panicker 

10b2 – Cameron Smith and Lola Jok 

10b3 – Erich Meinhardt & Aidan Warren 

10b4 Kiara Ambesi and Daniel Harris 

10b5 Jennifer Vella & Claudia Kimova 

9b1 Audrey Chiodo & Aden Mustafa 

9b2 Roxanne Hassett & Dom Kulundzic 

9b3 Keira Heaviside & Dylan Paluch-Vinh 


H Team 

7H1:Denis Caluian & Chelsea McDonald 

7H2: Noah Tsoutsouras, & Jade Interlardi 

7H3: Emilio Cakeri & Amy Jozinovic 

8H1: Nina Larriza & Lewis Cao 

8H2: Chaney Kelly & Moksha Mareedu 

8H3: Riley Davis & Tiana Stinton 

8H4: Bruce Mataipule & Ayah Pina Cannolo 


K Team 

9K1 - Bella Sandher & Charlize Ghidinelli 

9K2 - Kahlisa Yargi & Sami Barukzai 

9K3 - Lalia Chaparro & Magnus Jakobsen 

9K4 - Cody Pullens & Aliyah Alo 

10K1 - Angela Pavlides & Monique Bajada 

10K2 - Tristan Hackett & Ebonnye Lee 

10K3 - Tiffany Lu & Simon Robertson 

10K4 - Tate Mendes Da Mata & Anthony Tran 


E Team 

7E1 - Izabella Romano & Jujhar Sandher 

7E2 - Darcy Everest & Milica Milasinovic 

7E3 - Tyrell Kearns-Mcleod & Isabella Eilers 

7E4 - Janaya Montesclaros & James Magsano 

8E1 - Emily Walsh & Roman Barbaro 

8E2 - Edwin Siby Issac & Rose Elizabeth George 

8E3 - Sienna Patti & Lachlan Allander 



Interim Reports 

Interim reports will be available form this Friday. We encourage families to sit with their children and read through the interim reports together. Please celebrate achievements and discuss strategies for improvement. 


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all teaching and ES staff for their work over the term. 


Wishing all our students and their families a good term break and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday October 2nd to begin Term 4. 


Mr Andrew Atherton and Ms Mary Chiodo                                Campus Principals