Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Campus Principals Report- Kings Park
September 2023
We are fast approaching the end of yet another busy term at the Kings Park Campus. Thank you to all the students and staff on campus who have been working towards our Campus goals of Attendance and Belonging, Use of Routines, Pride in the Environment, and Student Acknowledgement.
A large number of staff supported the Campus Wear It Purple Day (29th August). The Day was led by Lorie Miller (Connect Curriciulum Writer), Jade Tauber (Inclusive Practices Leader), Nick Taseski (Health/PE Leader) and Heath Simpson (Campus Leader). Wear it Purple Day’ is an LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people. We are proud to celebrate this annual day and embrace diversity within our school community. As a College we endeavour to foster supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments at each of our campuses.
Student Led Presentations were held recently.
All of our of 501 families at Kings Park made bookings to present to their family and teachers.
They are a joyous celebration of our students’ learning journey. Students are required to prepare and present, to their families and campus staff, their goals and progress over the course of the year. Our students are so talented and they are bring a unique sense of themselves to their SLPs. They showcase their learning, their hobbies, their passions and their interests. It is not out of the ordinary to see them bringing in musical instruments, models and drawings. Thank you to all of our wonderful students who confidently presented and to all the staff who have prepared, supported and encouraged the students.
We had close to 100 students attend our Year 8 Snow Day (18th August) with 10 staff members. We were very fortunate that Lake Mountain had SNOW. We did have to reschedule initially due to the Mountain having limited snow at that time. A great day was had by all.
Our Year 10 students had our Annual Year 10 Wellbeing Day on 18th August. The day provides our young people with educational programs regarding relationships and the impact of social violence, healthy relationships, body image and self-esteem. One of the workshops was delivered by the Pat Cronin Foundation, which aims to raise awareness of the impact of social violence (one-punch) on on victims, families and the community. Pat passed away in 2016 aged 19 years. He was punched once, as a by-stander to a fight outside a nightclub.
Our Year 9 students participated in a BATYR Presentation on the 16 August. BATYR delivers evidence-based programs in schools to support students to open up the conversations around mental health and share lived experience stories of resilience and hope. BATYRs programs are strengths-based and positively framed, with students walking away with practical tips and tools on how to look after their own mental health and support their friends.
ABCN Laptops
We are excited to be able to provide some of our students a new laptop, this has been sourced through ABCN (
ABCN continues to support our students at Copperfield College with resources and opportunities to aspire and reach their potential.
We celebrated ES (Education Support) Week on Friday 1st September, as an acknowledgement of the valuable work they undertake each day at work to support us, our staff, students and wider community.
This Thursday (14th September) is RU OK? Day. The day encourages us all to stay connected and to have conversations about mental health. Importantly, it’s about starting a meaningful conversation with someone you notice might be struggling with life. The national theme for 2023 is, “I'm here to hear.”
We feel very lucky to work in a school where staying connected and asking RU OK? is already part of our everyday culture. Most students do feel very comfortable opening up and reaching out to staff and each other for help.
Year 9
Morrisby one on one careers consultant sessions have concluded. This information has been useful for students to consolidate their pathways decisions.
Year 10
Students have selected their electives and we are well placed now to prepare staffing and resourcing for 2024.
Student Acknowledgement: Notice when students do the ‘right thing’ or strive for their personal best, and let them know (KP: Positives, 2980; Needs Improvement; 2570). (AIP; ALE)
It is pleasing to see the high number of genuine positive Compass posts, recognition of the many good things our students do. We thank teachers for taking the time to let students know that you notice them when they demonstrate the best versions of themselves.
Behaviour Deserves Recognition/ Encouragement; | Behaviour/ Attitude Below Expectations |
4334 (68%) | 2166 (32%) |
Term 3 Interim Reports are now available on Compass. We encourage students and their families to read through the reports and to take note of any areas of improvement. We also encourage communication with Home Group and class teachers.
We are busy behind the scenes preparing for 2024, particularly in relation to our Grade 6 into Year 7 transition. This includes our 2024 Scholarship Program.
Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals