Fresh Food Fair 2023

Friday November 3rd - 3:15-7:30pm 

Two weeks to go until the biggest event on our Surfside calendar.

The excitement is definitely starting to build, wristbands are being purchased, the kitchen is humming with the sound of students and parent volunteers, preparing delicious food and classes are preparing for their class stalls for the day.

It's all happening!



To Do List for final 2 weeks:

  • Working Bee on Sunday 29th October. Morning Tea provided & Kitchen food preparation.
  • Class Stall Volunteer Pledge. (Each family is requested to put their name on their child's class list).
  • Order Wristbands at early bird price. Surfside students wristbands can be paid and ordered via Compass. Friends, relatives, younger or older siblings can be paid and ordered via our school office.
  • Cake stall: The oldest child will be sent home with a bag and box next week, in hope that each family will bake a cake, slice, bickies and bring in to the hall the morning of the FFF to contribute to J10's community cake stall.
  • Silent Auction open for bids
  • White Elephant Stall: Students and families are invited to bring in items they don’t use anymore to the hall the week of the fair. No electrical and no clothes.
  • J7 are running the lucky bags stall. Everyone is invited to bring lucky bags, please send them to your child's classroom. J7 reps will pop by and collect them and add to their tally. Class that donates the most wins hot chips for lunch!