2023-Term 4 Important Dates

Term 4 DatesEvent



Week 1  
Monday 2nd OctoberStudents return for Term 4Whole school
Tuesday 3rd OctoberYear 4 and 5 Students Science/ Sport session at De La SalleYears 4 and 5
Wednesday 4th OctoberFN Cast photos 
Friday 6th OctoberYear 5 and 6 Dendy Rugby Gala5s 6s
Friday 6th October

Uniform shop 8.30am-9.30am


Week 2  
Tuesday 10th OctoberSchool Advisory Council 7pmSAC members
Saturday 14th October 6pm or Sunday 15th October 10am

Reconciliation Commitment Masses


Y3 reconciliation students and parents
Saturday 14th October‘The Voice’ referendum, polling station at St Joseph’s Parish HallVolunteers needed for sausage sizzle etc
Week 3  
Monday 16th October

Year 3 Reconciliation Parent evening 6.30pm

(please note change of date)

Year 3 parents and students
Tuesday 17th OctoberYear 3 and Year 4 online parent/ student Puberty session 7pmYear 3 and Year 4 and parents
Tuesday 17th OctoberP+F meeting 7pm location tbcAll welcome
Thursday 19th October2024 Prep Orientation 9-10.30amNew preps
Friday 20th OctoberY3 and Y4 T20 Dendy Cricket Day

Y3 and Y4


Week 4  
Thursday 26th OctoberYear 3-6 Online Safety CourseY3-Y6
Friday 27th October

Year 5 and Year 6 T20 Dendy Cricket Comp


Y5s and Y6s


Week 5  
Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st OctoberWhole school dress rehearsals at Malvern Town Hall during the school dayP-6
Wednesday 1st NovemberFinding Nemo Jr at Malvern Town Hall at 7pmP-6
Thursday 2nd November

Finding Nemo Jr at Malvern Town Hall at 7pm


Week 6  
Monday 6th NovemberSchool Closure 
Tuesday 7th NovemberSchool Closure- Melbourne Cup Day 

Wednesday 8th November


Y6 transition program 2pmY6 students
Week 7  

Wednesday 15th November


Year 3 and Year 4 Parish Mass 9amY3 and Y4
Week 8  
Monday 20th NovemberSt John’s First Aid training all students Prep-6P-6
Monday 20th NovemberPrep 2024 Parent Information Night 6.30pm-8pmNew prep parents
Tuesday 21st NovemberYear 3 Reconciliation Mass 7pmYear 3 reconciliation students and families
Wednesday 22nd November

Staff Appreciation Lunch hosted by the P+F

(thank you!)


P+F organising
Week 9  
Monday 27th NovemberSchool Closure- staff planning and handovers for 2024All staff
Tuesday 28th November

Year 3 Reconciliation Mass 6pm

(note change of date/ time)

Year 3 reconciliation students and families
Tuesday 28th NovemberJoint SAC/ P+F AGM and end of year get togetherAll welcome
Thursday 30th NovemberFinal 2024 prep orientation 9-10.30am2024 preps
Thursday 30th NovemberUniform shop 8.30-9.30am 
Friday 1st DecemberY3 and Y4 Advent Liturgy in the hall 9am followed by open book sessions for 3s and 4s

All welcome

Open Book Y3 and Y4 families


Week 10  
Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th DecemberYear 3 and Year 4 Camp SunnystoneY3 and Y4
Monday 4th DecemberJoint Prep Advent Liturgy 9am followed by open book sessions for Preps

All welcome

Prep family open book session

Tuesday 5th DecemberYear 1 and Year 2 Advent Liturgy 9am followed by open book sessions for 1s and 2s

All welcome

1 and 2 family open book session

Wednesday 6th DecemberYear 5 and Year 6 Advent Liturgy 9am followed by open book sessions for 5s and 6s

All welcome

5 and 6 family open book session

Thursday 7th DecemberSt Joseph’s Swimming Carnival at Ashburton Pool 9-2pmYears 3-6
Thursday 7th December

End of Year family picnic and carols

3.30pm-6pm (this is to be confirmed)

Whole school
Friday 8th DecemberPrep year level cake stall

Prep families


Week 11  
Monday 11th DecemberMoving Up morning: 9am-11am current and new students to spend the morning with their new teacher (Exc 2024 preps) 
Monday 11th DecemberYear 5 Captain speeches in the hall from 12pmAll Y5 parents welcome to attend
Wednesday 13th DecemberYear 6 Big Day OutYear 6
Thursday 14th December 

Year 6 Graduation Night

6pm-10pm ish

Year 6 final day

Year 6 students, parents and teachers
Friday 15th December

End of year assembly 12pm and announcement of captains 2024

School finishes at 1pm

End of the school year for students


Week 12  
Monday 18th-Wednesday 20thStaff finish on the 20th of December