Grade 5/6 Update

Mrs. Lynda Griffin
Mrs. Lynda Griffin

Lynda Griffin


Welcome to Term Four and what a jam packed term we have!

Mrs. Christie Draper
Mrs. Christie Draper
Mrs. Raff Sampson
Mrs. Raff Sampson

Last Monday we welcomed the dynamic Australian School of Performing Arts (ASPA Ed) Team to our school.  These talented ladies led us in song, dance and acting.  ASPA Ed are helping us to get ready for the Festival of Sacred, which will be held in November.  The Festival of the Sacred Program ensures that all students in Sandhurst Primary Schools have access to a quality Performing Arts experience in their primary years.



Our visit to the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre last Friday saw us immersed in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.  What an amazing experience.



Tomorrow, Wednesday October 11th, we have an early start as we head to Melbourne to visit the LUME.  The LUME Connection is an immersive experience about First Peoples’ art, music and performance.  What a cultured bunch we all are and it is only Week 2!


In our learning this term we will be investigating and comparing fairy tales and fractured fairy tales.  We will also write our own fractured fairy tale.  In Numeracy we will be enhancing our skills and concepts of addition, subtraction, location and transformation as well as lending our hand to chance.  Our Inquiry topic is Bizarre Bazaar. In this unit we will gain a real-life understanding of the design and production process when creating products.  Students will investigate market research and advertising.  Religious Education units this term are ‘Living as Disciples’ and ‘Feast of the Christmas Season”.  


We look forward to the term ahead and sharing it with you.  If you haven’t already, please hop online and join our Class DoJo.  This is where we will keep you up to date with all our happenings both in and out of the classroom.


Lynda, Christie and Raff