P & F Happenings

P&F Update - Term 3 Reflection 


We made it to the end of another wonderful term at Holy Family!!  And what a term it's been. 


Lindfield Art Show and Fair

The Lindfield Art Show & Fair is always the biggest event on our school calendar and this year did not disappoint. As we finalise the last few admin items to formally close the event we wanted to share the news that the event this year has made a surplus of $7k. This result marks a return to the success that the event has delivered over its history and our ability to further support and enhance the experiences our children are afforded while at Holy Family. 


This result is largely due to the huge effort contributed by all of our school and parish community. So once again THANK YOU to everyone for the role you played, however big or small - it all made a difference! The memories of the weekend are, of course, priceless, and we are already looking forward to dates in 2024. 


These funds will be committed to upgrading AV and VC capabilities in the school library, providing flexible remote learning experiences for our children. We will update the community on the outcome of these plans in Term 4. 


New Playground

Other major goals achieved this term include the approval of the new playground works. This has been a project lying in wait for a few years, and we are delighted to be able to get the green light to commence the upgrades in Term 4. Works will commence in week 4. 


Term 4 - fun, fun, fun! 

Term 4 is shaping up to be a lot of fun with some great events lining up in diaries!! 



Get ready to bop 'til you drop at our school disco! Kid appropriate food, drinks and snacks will be served, along with some great dance moves, singing and surprises! 


More details about the event timing will follow at the start of Term 4. 

Book your tickets now! 



Holy Family Colour Run - Friday 24th November

Just when you thought November couldn't be any more fun we're going to turn our school into a rainbow of colour, fill the playground with laughter and have some wholehearted fun along the way! Details about our Fun Run sign-up will be sent in week 1 of Term 4. But Parents - mark your diaries now! This is one volunteering event you do not want to miss out on!! 


Term 4 P&F Forum and AGM 

Mark your diaries for our Term 4 P&F Forum and AGM. We encourage as many parents and friends as possible to join us for the last forum of the year as we reflect on 2023 and plan for 2024. If you are interested in getting involved with the P&F team in 2024 don't hesitate to be in touch. The school benefits when more voices are heard, and many hands always make light of the work we do! 


As always if you would like to share any feedback, suggestions, or just simply have a chat I'm always happy to take a call or grab a coffee! Have an amazing term break, see you all back rearing to go in October!!


Olwyn & the P&F Team