Uniform Service:

Nina Ulyett, Uniform Convenor  - wgvuniforms@gmail.com







P&C Bank Details: BSB: 633-000 ACCOUNT: 142691773.

Kali Cafe News

Next term the Kali Cafe (school canteen) will switch to the summer menu with lots of cold treats for hot days. We’ll have fruit kebab sticks, fruit smoothies, cold Milo, and our delicious, homemade icy poles. 


We are looking at small ways to make the canteen more sustainable. One change may be how sushi is served as we are considering having sushi hand rolls in paper bags rather than sushi pieces in boxes. 


Thanks to all the parents who volunteered in the canteen this term. Our school canteen relies on volunteers to keep it running smoothly so please sign up to help next term. 


Enjoy the holidays.


The Canteen Committee