Deputy News
Change is as good as a holiday!
Deputy News
Change is as good as a holiday!
Dear Parents and families,
Another wonderful fortnight has flown by in the excitement of all that is on offer at Sacred Heart with many extra curricular activites going on. Some year 5 & 6 students represented our School at Regional Hoop Time on Tuesday and our Year 4 students have enjoyed their 2 night Summit camp in Trafalgar, what amazing weather they have had to step out of their comfort zone and try something new whilst being away on camp with their best buddies! After looking at these photos I was sent, I'm not sure who is having a better time, the students or the teachers?
A time of change & Transition
As our prep parents for 2024 met at our Information evening on Tuesday, we recognise that many changes are happening across our school. I have the benefit of welcoming our new prep students and families each year and then farwelling our Year 6 families and supporting their transition as they head off to secondary school. How privileged I am to book end the students primary years in this way. In my role I thoroughly enjoy working with families, teachers and students to support them with any additional needs throughout their schooling journey.
It is important to understand the process of transition – moving from one class to another, such as from year one to year two, or from primary to secondary school . This can have a significant impact on children.
At Sacred Heart our role is to support children and young people in these transitions. Many children are anxious or nervous about beginning in a new class or school. From our experience, we are able to identify what those concerns are and what can be done in school to help alleviate them.
Rest assured a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to ensure students are allocated into the right class with the right teacher. Many hours go into transition and handover meetings as we care for the students in our school, like they are our own.
Year 5/Prep Buddy time
On Friday afternoon our Year 5 and prep students joined forces to design their ideal school. Not only were their ideas amazing, some of them a dream I'm sure, but I was so impressed in the way in which the students interacted with one another. The Year 5 students explained to their buddies the concepts and they worked so well together, sharing their ideas to create their posters. It was a lovely way to finish off the week with these Year 5 role models showing our preps how to behave and help them with their learning. We run a buddy program througout Sacred Heart in each year level and these relationships continue for a very long time. There is always someone to look out for one another in the playground.
Term 4 Hats
As the weather warms up please ensure students have their hats at school.
All children should be wearing their hats on the yard at recess and lunchtime and during Class Sport and PE.
Have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the sunshine and I hope our campers have a well needed rest,
Brigid Pennington
Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader