Foundation Unit

Welcome back to Term 4!
We have loved hearing about all the adventures families went on during the school holidays. Well done to all those students who completed home reading over the holidays.
In Literacy this term we are looking at Nursery Rhymes, FolkTales and Fairy Tales. This week we have been learning how to use clues in the text along with our background knowledge to make inferences. Students have been identifying how characters are feeling by using details in the illustrations such as, facial expressions, body language and specific words, as well as making connections to their own experiences. Students have then used this knowledge to write persuasive letters to different characters in a text. For example, this week JU1 read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and then wrote letters to the Troll persuading him to let them cross the bridge or convincing him not to eat them!
This week in Maths we have had individual goals to practise including number formation, number orientation and recording our numbers with correct place value. We have been extending some students beyond teen numbers. Next week we start our unit on Sharing, our introduction to Division.
Our Inquiry and Science topic this term is looking at what things are made of. We have started by investigating what things are made of wood, metal and glass in our classroom and in the school yard.
Just a reminder, our new Show and Tell topic sheet was sent out via compass on Monday. We are also looking for volunteers to help at PMP on Mondays. Please fill out this google form if you are able to help this term. Thank you!
On another note, in order to develop independence in our students and prepare them for their transition into Grade 1, we are encouraging students to carry their own bag into school in the morning and get themselves organised and ready before the bell goes at 9am. Teachers will also cease walking the classes out to the gate at the end of week 2. This means all students will be dismissed from their classroom so please discuss this with your child and arrange a meeting place.
Foundation Teachers
Courtney Lawrence/Alison Meggs, Sally Quinn, Libby Cannon