Year 1 Unit

Dear Year 1 families,
A warm welcome to all as we kick off Term 4. There has been an excited buzz amongst our students as they reconnect with their friends and share holiday stories.
As the weather warms up (some days) all students are required to wear a SunSmart hat. The recommendation is that all students are required to wear their hat at school every day this term, during all months with the letter ‘r’. (Yes, we know you are working it out!)
This term, the science inquiry we are undertaking is called ‘Our Magnificent Thing’. Our focus is on repurposing rubbish, considering sustainability and the impact of our lifestyle on the environment. Students will be using recyclable items, designing and creating their own ‘most magnificent thing’ to fulfil and address a need in the home or something of value to them. Examples are a pet feeder or a container to sort and store stationery. We ask that families support this learning by collecting recyclable items over a week. We would like the items brought into school in week 2 beginning 9/10. Please keep an eye on Compass over the coming weeks for further information regarding the homework task to support this project. Please also let your child’s teacher know if you would like to help in the classroom during the construction phase of this project.
We look forward to another wonderful term of learning and growth.
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont