Carlsruhe Annexe / 

Main Campus - Year 4

Welcome back to Term 4! It has been a tough first week back with the return of the wet, cold weather after the stunning sunshine we had in the holidays, which has also meant the return of wet day timetables. Nevertheless, the students have taken it in their stride and relished the opportunity to catch up with their friends after the holidays. 


River Detectives Incursion

In the last week of Term 3, we had an incursion with Nicole Howie from the North Central CMA, to look at macroinvertebrates. Nicole taught students how to use their observational skills to look for the bugs in the water, even when it appeared there weren’t any upon first glance. The students were amazed with the number and variety of macroinvertebrates they were able to find. Students also learnt to identify the macroinvertebrates, and classify them according to how sensitive or tolerant they are. We found some of the most sensitive bugs, indicating a very healthy waterway down at our testing site on the Campaspe. 

Thursday Activities

Thursday activities for CU2 and CU3 will commence next Thursday 12th October at 1:30. A Compass notification was sent to families yesterday. If you are able to help out please add your name to the Google doc or contact your child’s teacher. 


Phillip Island Camp

As you would have seen on Compass, planning for our camp to Phillip Island is well underway. Please remember that the non-refundable deposit of $100 for camp is due tomorrow, 6.10.23. This payment and permission information is vitally important as it gives us firm numbers of how many students we have attending, which allows us to continue with camp planning based on the number of students we have attending. 


Thank you to all of the parents who have offered their time to come to camp as a parent helper. We have been overwhelmed with the response and will be in contact shortly to inform everyone of which parents will be attending.


Year 3 Visit to Carlsruhe

Next Monday, our current Year 4s will act as hosts and tour guides to proudly introduce the current Year 3s to Carlsruhe life. This will be the first step in handing over the reins of Carlsruhe to the next group of Carlsruhians. Students will spend the morning participating in a variety of activities together related to Carlsruhe, as Year 4 students start to show the Year 3s “the ropes” of learning and working at Carlsruhe. This will be followed on Wednesday by an information evening out at Carlsruhe for the current Year 3 parents.

Year 4 Teachers

Ann Ireland CU1 , Jonathan Swain CU2, Zoe Hall/Louise Safstrom CU3