Senior Unit - 5/6

Icy-pole Fundraiser for Year 6 Funfields Trip
On the last day of Term 3, a group of Year 6 students sold icy-poles after school.
We were all very happy to see so many people buying them.
From this stall we raised $221.60! This amount will go towards the Year 6 celebration trip to Funfields.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to our stall!
Madison Chamerski, School Captain
Senior Sing Out
Welcome back! The Senior students have settled back into their learning routines with a remarkable ease that is commendable. The final term of 2023 is going to be every bit as busy as the previous three, if not more so!
Many of the Year 5 students are currently preparing speeches to present as candidates for leadership positions in 2024.
Our Year 6 students are completing their final term of Primary School learning and therefore will be celebrating with a picnic day at Funfields on 7th December, and ultimately their Graduation ceremony which is on the 14th December.
We wish those senior students who are representing Woodend Primary School at the District Level in the school basketball competition on Monday 16th October, every success and know that they will do so with pride.
On behalf of the Senior Unit we would like to warmly welcome Kasey Ward who is a Pre-Service teacher working within SU2. Kasey has made a positive contribution in such a very short time. Welcome Kasey!
On a final note our senior students who are busily preparing for our School Musical.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Nathan Spilsted, Andrea Evans, Jad Geer, Kat Richardson, Ashleigh Dodds