Parents and Friends Association

Referendum Voting Saturday 14th October - Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall
Woodend PS will be an AEC polling booth for the Voice Referendum on Saturday 14th October 2023, which is a great opportunity to sell some snags and cakes! All funds raised will go back to our school. We would love:
- Helpers for the Sausage Sizzle and Cake Stall - a few shifts left. Signup link here: Referendum helpers
- Donations of baked goods, preserves, produce and flowers gratefully accepted. Add your name here: Cake Stall Donations. Donations can be dropped off on Friday 3-3.30pm or on the day. See the spreadsheet for all information.
- Sausage Sizzle runs from 9am - 2pm, Cake Stall from 9am - 12pm. Tell your friends and family!
Communications Officer and Class Rep Liaison positions
Elections were held at our Tuesday night meeting for two volunteer roles in the PFA. Congratulations and a big thank you to Anna C - Class Rep Liaison, and Mikkel - Communications Officer. The Class Rep Liaison supports the Class Reps in the running of the Parent WhatsApp Groups. The Communications Officer assists the PFA with writing the newsletter page and notifying our community about upcoming events/fundraisers.
PFA 2023 Mango Fundraiser - fresh north Queensland Kensington Pride mangoes direct from the farm to you!
4.5kg tray (approx. 9 to 14) mangoes • Delivery early December • "Orders now open on Qkr!" • Orders close on 24th October 10:00am • Money raised will be used to purchase or upgrade school equipment and support PFA activities! Look out for the message on Compass.
Dates for your Diary:
Student Disco - Term 4 (date TBC)
PFA Picnic with ice cream sales - Last day Term 4
PFA Meetings: 31st October, 5th December. Various locations - 7 for 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome! Email for the month’s meeting location.
New Families to Woodend Primary School
Are you new to Woodend Primary School? Did you know we have a Parent Class Contact List and WhatsApp groups for each class, moderated by a volunteer parent Class Representative. These groups enable families to connect and share information with each other, as well distribute reminders from time to time. If you would like to join, please get in touch with Monique (Class Rep Liaison) by email who will put you in touch with your Class Representative.
Facebook Pages
There are two pages you may like to join - one run by the School Office, and one for Parents and Friends of WPS. Here are the links to join: - Woodend Primary School - Woodend Primary School
Parents and Friends Community (You must answer the membership questions so that we can establish your connection to the school)
Thank you,
PFA Communications and Class Rep Liaison
Monique Ho