Captains Corner

Welcome back everyone! This is the last term of the year. There will be many exciting things to look forward to, but one of the most exciting things happening are orientations for 2024! During the term we will all get to see the classes for next year but something very special is the prep orientation. There will be certain days this term where the Kinder kids will come to see the school. Remember we are all very big compared to them, so just be mindful. Here are a few more exciting things to look forward to:
- On Monday the 9th of October the Year Threes will be going to Carlsruhe for the day so they will be ready for next year. Have fun year 3!
- Also on Monday the 9th of October, 7 students from our school will be going to the Regional Athletics in Bendigo; they include Alex, Zach, Flynn, Angus, Holly, Knox. Well done to all of you for getting through, we wish you the best of luck!
This month is Dyslexia Awareness month. If you are wondering what Dyslexia is, it is where your brain is wired differently. Which means you need a little bit of extra help and time with learning. We like to say that Dyslexia is not a disability, it's the ability to see the world in a unique way.
Ava, Flynn, Madi and Tahli