Graduating Class of 2023 to Old Collegians
As we mark the end of Term 3, we keep the Graduating Class of 2023 in our minds as our Year 12s begin their final preparations for VCE exams and their future beyond our College.
At their Graduation on October 17, we officially welcome the Year 12 cohort to the ever-growing global network of St Bede's Old Collegians.
It's at this milestone event that these students receive their Old Collegians tie, and join our 19,000+ strong community. This community is here to guide, support and inspire students across all stages of life and career. From reunions, internships and work introductions to job opportunities, the Beda Spirit is always here to help each past student succeed and achieve their goals.
To the Graduating Class of 2023, please register your email and details here to stay connected to the community beyond your days at Beda.